Messaging Enhancement
Discussion List
1Chat Received NotificationIt would be helpful if your programmers could add a notification of some kind when a private chat h…Active Closed Susan Elizabeth Cowdrey 67 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Susan Elizabeth Cowdrey Suggest an Idea
1Granular notification controls for Family GroupsWe have created a Family Group for our ward and are excited to continue growing this new method to …
1Marketing: Ancestor Emails are NOT my Actual AncestorsToday I received an email from Family Search stating "Your 2G-Grandmother's anniversary is in …
2Family Search Policy on Categorizing & Claiming Non-Blood “Relatives”I received an email from Family Search recently with a subject line that said: ”…Benjamin Franklin …Active Closed KathrynKirui 71 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson Suggest an Idea
2More details for connection requestsI recently received a notice in my account general messages that "[name] would like to connect…Active Closed auntsue.genealogyfoundry 237 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by auntsue.genealogyfoundry Suggest an Idea
1Red FlagIt would be helpful in OnceHub if when a support missionary raised a Red Flag, it would indicate th…
1Add a contact button to pages that can't be editedI was looking up my grandmother's great grandparents' today and see some of the records call my anc…Active Closed LoriPetterson 182 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1MessagesTwice in the past two weeks I wrote a message to the same FS user. After pressing the Send button, …new Closed swatrous2788272 131 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by swatrous2788272 Suggest an Idea