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Indexing: Place of Birth questionIndexing "US, New York—Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York City, 1897–190…Answered ✓ Closed Pauline G Miller 301 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
3index the 4 digit year instead of just 2 digitsPlease ask indexers to write all 4 digits for the birth year, or any other year that they are extra…
Samoa - Vital Records 1846-1996 , Birth PlaceI am working on a batch of birth records and I am uncertain what to enter as "birth place"…Answered ✓ Closed brookannebrown1 281 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
Are there any circumstances under which wording could or should be different?I'm going to volunteer for a FamilySearch indexing project but in the meantime - I'm working on an…
1A different way to categorize indexing projects other than by "difficulty"A few weeks ago, I got into a great discussion in the indexing group about indexers being reluctant…Active Closed Teresa Arispe 191 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by John Empoliti Suggest an Idea
Periods after name abbreviations or initialsI don't see anything in the project instructions and it seems I saw something a while ago in the ge…Answered ✓ Closed Cheryl Jean Hymer 781 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by John Empoliti Indexing