Discussion List
0Web Indexing - Progress section for groupsSara Maisey said: It would be helpful for group administrators to be able to select a starting date…praise Closed LegacyUser 211 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AndersonMarloRae1 Suggest an Idea
1"Automating" Data Input Fields in Batch IndexingI have indexed and reviewed a large number of batches in the Liberia 2008 Census project and noted …
1Timed OutIn indexing, if you leave and come back, it has timed out. When you have a large batch and you do …new Closed Kathy Morton Taylor 211 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1Indexing entry numberThere have been some large batches in indexing. Some are in the thousands. The entry number does …new Closed Kathy Morton Taylor 191 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
Do I put Ireland as a state?The tool wants residence city, residence county, and residence state. Apparently the registrar put …Answered ✓ Closed RobinsonSonyaJohnson 211 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
Need Help with Incorrectly Indexed ImageI know how to fix minor indexing issues, such as if the date is incorrect or a name misspelt, but t…
1Indexing Feedback To Increase AccuracyJack Richter said: It would beneficial to be able to see indexing changes made by reviewers. This …
An Original historiSource Datecal record was bound out of page order, Can it be reindexd in order?The result is that the children are matched to the wrong parents and the Hints come up with incorre…
6Make it easier to find slaves in recordsI am currently reviewing a batch from Puerto Rico that includes many slaves. Unfortunately, these r…
0FamilySearch Indexing-Spanish Records-Need to change instructions, or data fieldsShirleyG said: Having researched in Spanish records for many years, I find the instructions need to…