Indexing Reports
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Error with review of [Ghana—2010 Census]I am running into a glitch on the birthplace field in the Ghana 2010 Census project. The field does…
REPORT: 1940 US Census: Household needs correction by FamilySearchCitation: "United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.f…
How can I get a ward member who is indexing to show up in the participation reports?I have several ward members who are indexing, but don't show up in the ward reports (maybe not the …
Labs> Reindex with Reasons not functioningI have tried enabling Help> Labs> Reasons to index batch, refresh but Batch (menu)> Reinde…
Counting records indexed and reviewedOur stake has set a goal for indexing/reviewing for this year. One sister in our stake reviews and…Answered Closed Carole McIntyre 291 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Carole McIntyre Indexing
Indexer showing in incorrect wardStake Indexing Director here, I have one sister who is showing up in Indexing in the wrong ward. I…
Indexing Reports at the Individual Contributor levelA few years ago our ward had an Indexing Activity. At the end of the month I was able to go into Fa…Answered Closed William Byrd Willis 601 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dellory Matthews Indexing