Discussion List
Bug in GEDCOM import?A feature of FamilyTree is that data that I enter can be changed by others. Such a change should be…
Pedigree Resource FileI used Legacy Family Tree and I cannot find using Google search how to use the pedigree resource fi…
Source Linker GEDCOM innards are showingMods: please escalate to engineers. Now and then contributors get glimpses of database innards. …
Uploaded File to the Genealogies SectionI recently uploaded a GEDCOM to the Genealogies section of FamilySearch, which is in the Search dro…
Ancestry TreeCan you upload your Ancestry tree to Family Search so that you don't have to spend days replicating…Answered Closed JesseRussell4 291 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by bestlediardhodgins Family Tree