Family Tree
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How do I get help for the following Campaign Questions: putting tree on different backgroundsHere's the overall link followed by the specific questions:…Answered Closed ahowell3797272 78 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rhonda Budvarson General Questions
-2Add a new filter on the Fan Chart Tree that colors the tree depending on town birth locationThe fan chart is an adorable way to see our ancestors, and the filter by birthplace probably works …Active Closed Juan Enrique417 73 views 1 comment -2 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
Abuse and misinformation in family treeHi All, I was doing research on the family of a famous deceased person and came to find that many o…
-2Restrict access to pre-1700 profilesDear Family Search, After looking at all the changes people have made without documentation or the …Active Closed Richard Bronson Sr 62 views 0 comments -2 points Started by Richard Bronson Sr Suggest an Idea
1Flag Profiles With Potential ErrorsIt would be nice to be able to flag ancestor profiles that have errors and/or that tend to be probl…