Family Tree
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Why, after I've added a marriage source in Sources, can I not attach it to the marriage itself?As I search the catalog for my Italian ancestors and find Marriage Records, I attach them in "…
How do I help someone (lds) who's children do not show up automatically in their familysearch acct?How do I help someone (lds) who's children do not show up automatically in their familysearch acct?Answered ✓ Closed Jen Haddad 82 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Alan E. Brown FamilySearch Account
Record hint Icon on tree versus in Person viewOn the FSFT I see a red hint icon, but when I go to the Person view it is purple-no sources attache…
How do I get help for the following Campaign Questions: putting tree on different backgroundsHere's the overall link followed by the specific questions:…Answered ahowell3797272 77 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rhonda Budvarson General Questions
-2Add a new filter on the Fan Chart Tree that colors the tree depending on town birth locationThe fan chart is an adorable way to see our ancestors, and the filter by birthplace probably works …Active Juan Enrique417 72 views 1 comment -2 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea