Family Tree
Discussion List
How can I delete an entire family tree while keeping a duplicate?In error, I have created 3 family trees using variations of my name. Only one is correct and fully…
Can't Login Via FamilyTree AppI am unable to login using the Family Tree App. I have tried the following logins: Continue with Ch…
About Genealogy software and AITogether with ChatGPT I’ve been brainstorming about the possible role of AI in Genealogy software. …
Wie kann ich den unehelichen Vater meines Großvaters im Stammbaum hinzufügen?Wie kann ich den unehelichen Vater meines Großvaters im Stammbaum hinzufügen?
Complaint: Genealogical terroristThe user (name removed) has deleted countless of correct data from the profile of Holy Roman Empero…