Errors in Family Tree
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King Caradoc ap Brân of Siluria Masculino 10–0100 • 9HPR-C8TMaybe this guy is wrong King Caradoc ap Brân of Siluria 10-0100•9HPR-C8T It is a bit strange a iris…
Records, family tree: correcting errorsI noticed several errors on a family tree but don’t know who should / can unpick things – I’m provi…
How to start over with a family tree?Hello, I'd like to know the best course of action for correcting mistakes in the family tree made b…
How to fix an error with President Calvin Coolidge family?When I view famous people that I am related to, President Clavin Coolidge comes up. However, when I…
Incorrect relationshipsIn the tree of my family that appears on the website, there is an error. It incorrectly lists a pe…Answered Closed DouglasLoeffler 241 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by genthusiast Family Tree
Recognize step children of a couple with no children Ann Catherine Long and her second husband…
Need assistance with tree mistakesI just joined the group, wanting information on a relative. When i got to his tree i found major mi…Answered ✓ Closed StephenHarding7 361 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by StephenHarding7 Family Tree