Records, family tree: correcting errors

I noticed several errors on a family tree but don’t know who should / can unpick things – I’m providing the details below to give you some idea of what I am referring to. The changes were made recently.
1901 England & Wales census: there are several members of the same family, one visitor and three domestic staff.
1. The domestic staff have been attached as siblings of the family which is incorrect.
2. The visitor has been attached to the family tree but as I cannot access the census itself, I can’t tell what the person’s relationship is.
3. The same person appears twice on the family tree.
Query: The visitor’s surname is not spelt correctly – should the correct spelling be included on the Familysearch record, ie a clarification of the census spelling?
Best Answers
By viewing the changelog of the deceased ancestor, you can see who made the changes, and you can communicate with that person or persons by private message, to collaborate on your shared family history.
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In addition to communicating with the person(s) responsible for those errors in your line, you should feel free to correct the errors. When you do, you should add notes under collaboration as well as in the why the information is correct box, so future users can see and understand what and why you made the changes.
Thank you both for your responses. Both approaches are useful eg I have contacted the person concerned as it's helpful for them to be aware of whom to attach / not attach, etc. If I don't receive a response I'll correct the errors and select from the 'reasons' available on the user interface eg 'Added in error'.