Recognize step children of a couple with no children Ann Catherine Long and her second husband had no children. The "No Children" relationship fact is used. The data problem flag is raised when a child of her first marriage is attached to her and her second husband with the Step relationship. Suggestion: Suppress the flag in this common situation.
Just in passing ...
And, please do not feel aggrieved ...
Please bear with me; as, I am not trying to be combative or offend ...
Personally, I DO NOT 'see' a problem/issue ...
And, I suppose, it is really a matter of perception ...
My perception is ...
As far as I am concerned ...
The "System" already DOES recognise "Stepchildren", that is NOT the problem/issue.
The problem/issue, in the particular matter of, Ann Catherine LONG ( 9JVN-49Z ); and, her SECOND Spouse / Husband, Tobias ZENTNER ( 9JVN-VXD ), is that, for that Couple (ie. CoupleID: MTRN-GV9), in the "Couple" Relationship, under "Relationship Facts", the fact of No Children, has been INCORRECTLY applied.
Now ...
That Said ...
The reason, that I suggest, that the fact of "No Children", has been INCORRECTLY applied, in the aforementioned matter; is because, that there IS a "Child", in that "Couple" Relationship, all-be-it, a "Stepchild" relationship; and, only in relation to the SECOND Spouse / Husband.
That fact, of "No Children", under "Relationship Facts", for a Couple, DOES NOT, only imply, just "Biological" Children.
That fact, of "No Children", under "Relationship Facts", for a Couple, implies simply NO Children, regardless of the "Parent-Child" Relationship.
[ ie. that being, "Biological"; "Step"; "Adopted"; or, "Foster" ... ]
Again, all a matter of perception ...
Just my thoughts.
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The "No Children" relationship fact is correct, in my opinion. Also, setting it stops the annoying hint that there could be children of the marriage.
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In this situation, which is quicker? To set the "No children" flag which is of debatable meaning in this case and put up with the data error until this if changed, if ever? Or dismiss the possible children hint?
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My preference would be to remove the step- relationship. But I don't want to step on the other contributor.