email notifications
Discussion List
Email Bug ReportMy apologies in advance for using the forum for a bug report. Seems to be the best way to give Fami…
1Granular notification controls for Family GroupsWe have created a Family Group for our ward and are excited to continue growing this new method to …
1Linking emails notifications to the appThis happens all the time on my iPhone and it drives me bonkers. I get an email that says something…
Why am I not receiving e-mail notifications for messages in have not been receiving e-mail notifications that I have a message in for over a…Answered ✓ Closed steele jean 891 views 29 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
1Notification categories and emailAn email message with subject "You have new FamilySearch Notifications" arrived this morn…
I would to ask if there is an option to stop announcements of anniversaries of a person?I am getting notifications on my familysearch account of a person about their birthdays and wedding…Answered ✓ Closed TM Kaleopa 301 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by TM Kaleopa General Questions
2Fix Email Notification SelectionI keep receiving emails from FamilySearch from categories I am unsubscribed to. I unsubscribed fro…
FIXED- I HOPE - I Don't Get Email NotificationsFIXED - I HOPE: I've just received two email notifications for the first time in 10 days. I haven't…Answered ✓ Closed John Empoliti 361 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by John Empoliti General Questions
not getting emails when changes are made on family treeI have it marked and am following several members on my tree due to past misinformation. I'm not ge…