attaching records
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1840 Census - Attaching to wife?I've found my ancestor Isaac on the 1840 census. It obviously doesn't list names of household memb…
Errors with the Belgium, Antwerp Police Immigration Index, 1840-1930Hi, When I do a record search for one of my ancestors, records show-up in the list from the Belgium…
Error linking to sourceI attempted to link After Compare, I kept getting Error linking to source message. I tried again di…
4Move Cancel buttonWill you PLEASE move the cancel button away from the Save button on all pop-up boxes where data is …
1900 Census Record will not attach to LRWD-816John Hardin Durham 18 January 1842 – 28 October 1926 • LRWD-816 His name appears twice when you tr…
Long question about attatching records, unattatching records.What to do if FS is telling me to attatch a record but when I go there it says only detatatch and p…Answered ✓ Closed Betty Wilkerson_1 211 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Betty Wilkerson_1 Family Tree