Add unconnected person
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Adding unrelated people to Family SearchIs it possible to add people who are unrelated to me , and don't have any other family members alre…Answered Closed Herdsman Janet 1 484 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
start a "new" tree?I am not finding a person in the family trees. How do I begin a tree...I have son and his parents a…Answered Closed bonniesamuel1 191 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Family Tree
Can't seem to find the "Help Others" linkHi, I want to help my friend with his Family Tree (since I've been having so much fun building min…
How to create a record for an unconnected personHow to create a record for an unconnected person.
How can I add someone who is not related to meHow can I add someone who is not related to meAnswered ✓ Closed ginnyreeves21.55328245933031E12 501 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MarvinG Family Tree
How can I add an unconnected person to FamilySearch?How can I add an unconnected person to FamilySearch?Answered ✓ Closed User15880326503285943418 371 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Wanda Eskue Family Tree