Add spouse
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What do I do with extra information written on a document?I am currently working on indexing declarations of intention as part of the US, Pennsylvania, Easte…
"Add Spouse" Button is grayed out and can't click on it.I had a patron come in tonight with a problem I have never seen before. The computer will not let h…
I cannot link my husband account to mineHello! I got marriage last year and I want to link my husband´s tree with mine but the only option …
Family Tree - Adding spouse/familyHi everyone, I'm having a problem adding my husband as a spouse and the same from his end (adding m…Answered ✓ Closed Reychelle Espiritu Quilla 361 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Reychelle Espiritu Quilla Family Tree
Why is the "Add Spouse" buttons greyed out for these Living persons?I was processing a record hint for my 5th cousin born in 1948 who I've previously created as Living…Answered ✓ Closed Jon W. Thomas 192 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jon W. Thomas Family Tree
How to add second wifeMy first grandmother died before I was born. My grandfather remarried but I don't know Where or How…
How do I post multiple marriages to the same spouse.He married then divorced the same two women twice proven by the marriage licenses.Answered ✓ Closed CynthiaFassett1 1.4K views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by teresavirginia Family Tree
Am new to this so please be kind.How do I add a second wife to the tree please?