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I have a cousin who was adoptedI understand that there was probably something at the bottom of the page where she was added, to in…Answered Closed Sharon Kay Holmes 341 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Brett . General Questions
Wrong 3rd grandmotherI am frustrated about 2 things. People who add to the tree without doing research, create a duplica…
Deleted marriage that was not deleted.Anna Mary Dyche Masoner (LHXT-LQ5) and Teter Masoner's (LDK8-JX1) marriage was deleted. I found th…
Adding an adopted childAdded my living father to his parents tonight. Big red explanation mark. I'm sure this is due to …
Step-Childreni just noticed that one of my ancestor’s children are attached as children to her and her husband b…Answered ✓ Closed betsyemhuff1960 191 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by betsyemhuff1960 Family Tree
How do you add 2 marriages to 1 male and have a child attached to first wife not the second wifeHow do you add 2 marriages to 1 male and have a child attached to first wife not the second wifeAnswered ✓ Closed Christine Ambie Wilson 251 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Colin Ramsbottom Family Tree
How do I biological fatherWhen there is already a father in my family tree. DNA showed me who my real father was. He was neve…Answered ✓ Closed rogersprestonbennett 431 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by rogersprestonbennett Family Tree