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0Beta family search siteWayne G Gifford said: I have been trying the beta family search site. I like the features and layo…praise Closed LegacyUser 526 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by AnneLoForteWillson Suggest an Idea
1New Person Page August 2022I find the new person page easy to work with and the fonts are large enough to read with no difficu…
2"Merge Successful" what's the point?Donald H. Bradford said: Your "Merge Successful" notification is really annoying. I try …new Closed LegacyUser 182 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by lylecookwinterton1 Suggest an Idea
0correction to recorddave pirie said: a correction needs to be made on the pirie history, the correction is there was no…
2Virginia Vital Records IndexingVirginia Vital Records Indexing shou be able to change by Column instead of having to do by record.…
2Phonetic PronunciationI have been attending the temple frequently the past several months. I have noticed on many occasio…new Closed maryantoinettewelch1 373 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Theodore627 Suggest an Idea
1To Do List in new screenI was trying the new screen setup in Family Search but I couldn't find the "To Do List"
4Default for your Find page to Find by IDThe new green banner is lovely but It should default to find by ID. When you find by name, you get …new Closed BettyAnnRiceElliott 485 views 13 comments 4 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea