Banner with the batch name/id

Why did they remove the banner at the top of the batch indexing window with the batch name/id?
Best Answer
It's still available under the Batch/about Batch tab.
I agree that it should remain more visible.
I noticed that yesterday. Doesn't make sense.
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I used to develop software before I retired. To me, unless they need to use the space on the screen for some other more important reason, they should have left it there. When people need the batch id to give to a consultant so they can look at the batch remotely, why should a person have to go hunt around in a menu to find it? This was not an improvement to the software interface.
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My perspective - using the share batch link is better than just posting the batch number in a message.
When I'm checking the community for questions that need help, I'm not actively indexing. If someone posts the share link - one click, and I'm there. If someone posts just the batch number, I have to open indexing, find a project, open a batch, then open the batch from the other user. Then after I've helped with the question, I need to either index that new batch I've opened or return it.
Perhaps the developers are working toward a one-step for the user to ask the question. I know I've suggested in the past an easier way for the user to post the link here in the community. If the batch code (or better, the share link) could populate the message when the user clicks on the Community Help option, then it would be easier for all.
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It isn't necessary to "find a project, open a batch, and then open the batch from the other user" or to "either index that new batch I've opened or return it". All you have to do is go to the main indexing screen and click on the "gear" symbol next to "My Batches". That brings up a small menu to "Open Shared Batch" which allows you to enter the batch id.
I agree that if they share a link, it is easier for the person that is doing the helping. But a lot of people (especially older) that are not too computer-savvy don't know how to get or share the URL (link) of the batch. It is easier for them to type in the 7 digit batch id. Removing it from the top of the batch screen just makes it more difficult to find.
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Furthermore, sharing the URL (link) has to be done using email or the message utility. I am usually on the phone helping people with a batch in real time and using the batch id is easier to use over the phone.
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But - if the developers follow my Suggest an Idea to auto-populate the message when the user clicks on Community Help, the user doesn't need to be computer savvy.
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PLEASE PUT BACK the banner at the top of the batch indexing window with the batch name/id ! Removing it from the top of the batch screen just makes it more difficult to find and use correctly.
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We'll see how long it takes them to implement your suggestion. I don't even see the feedback tab anymore. How do you even make a suggestion to fix something.
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I submitted via Suggest an Idea in November 2022.
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@Ashlee C. Since I haven't seen Maile L around in a few weeks, and you seem to be handling the functions she once did, I'm tagging you for assistance on this problem.
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I noticed it a few days ago. Thought it was my end, so I cleared everything. It should still be there, especially since new(er) indexers may not know how to find it the other ways.
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Was this problem specific to one batch? I opened up several different kinds of projects and saw a banner with the name and batch at the top of each one.
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The banner is back thanks
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I agree, thanks for adding the banner back in.