Question about abbreviation in Älvsborgs parish
The record appears to have the word Grintt as an abbreviation for a parish in Älvsborgs and I'm not sure where that is?
Hi @wadefb
As I do not know what record you are referring to, ( Its easier to help if you add the link for the record or a screenshot) There is a parish in Älvsborg called Gingri That is the only one with a simular name
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Thank you for your response. I should have sent an image. This is what I'm talking about. It is from a moving out record from Örs församling. It is the location they moved to.
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It can probably be Grindstad Its not so far away from Ör Parish
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it is on page 161 a few lines below the 1820 title.
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I found her both in moveing out and in parish record in Ör, but I read it as Grinstad, When Im looking in Grinstad moveing in record I can not find her.
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Yes I had thought it might be Grinstad but since I couldn't find it there I thought it might be somewhere else. Thank you for your help.
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It was a bit tricky, but after comparing other entrys in the moveing out records.
Good luck finding her
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Thank you very much for your help.
If I could ask you one last question that has been bothering me, I've been trying to figure out the names on this birth record. My GGG grandmother was Britta Jansdotter and her mother was Maria Jansdotter (it never lists the father in the household records). Britta household records say she was from Holm but I couldn't find her birth there. However, I did find this record in Örs församling.
I think it lists the father as Jan and the mother as Maria but I'm having difficulty reading their last names and I'm not sure which are parents and which are witnesses. The link is here.
0 - this is the Parish record for the family Ör 1796-1801, Its the 2nd family but realy bad handwriting ( hard to read. Jan Nilsson and Anna Rollansdotter ( I think) They moved to Rud parish according to the parish record
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thank you so much.