Hello Community,
I'm hoping someone can help with my issue.
I have an ancestor Edward B. Sizemore LD57-WM6, His parents are George Sizemore and Annie Elizabeth Hart GS28-MM7. This line is changed ALL the time children added and removed daily. I have reached out to several individuals personally and proven my case multiple times that they are dealing with different families, but it is changed almost daily. The main problem is there is an Edward Sizemore LBFC-223 whose parents are George All Sizemore LB5Q-3CH and Agnes Shephard LRH8-W1M. This George All Sizemore is a completely different George then my Edward B. Sizemore's father. However, he is ALWAYS being combined. The name George Sizemore can be created because his dates are similar to George All Sizemore the regular George has the name All added to him.
In August of 2021 a person with the username "US Historian" started removing several individuals stating there was not any governmental source any changes would be reported. I reached out to this person and explained I was attaching records. here is how our conversation went.
Me- Aug 30, 2001: please do not remove parents of Edward B. Sizemore LD57-WM6. I can prove with direct and indirect evidence he is the son of George Sizemore and Anna Hart. In addition, there is an ECA from a great great grandchild of George's who claims Anna's name is Aruna only this person make this claim. We do not claim George ALL Sizemore, someone keeps adding it we only claim George Sizemore and Annie Hart. and NO our George is not the same as George ALL Sizemore. So please provide hard evidence George All Sizemore even existed not published histories nor remembrance headstones created years later.
US Historian- Aug 31, 2021: Cindy, I will remove the parents if they don’t have proper sources. George “All” Sizemore is sourced at the Breathitt County Library and does have pictures of the old original Tombstone that has the same name on it. We don’t even have documents to prove “Annie Hart”, No death certificates or birth certificates to prove if she even existed. I will not have false information on this site, so go somewhere else if you want to spread false information or have proper documentation. Sincerely
Me- Aug 31, 2021:
The problem is not Anna Hart, the problem is George ALL. No one has real documentation to him besides a death record of Edward Sizemore in 1855 saying George and Aggy are his parents. No one is able to tell who the informant was of this information. In addition, at no time has anyone provided a primary record with either first or secondary information for this George All Sizemore. What they have done is attached him to the wrong George Sizemore and the wrong documents. They have tons of miss leading incorrect information because of individuals just attaching.
Now originally the database the name was George Sizemore he was shown as united with Annie Hart. this was prior to individuals changing it to George All Sizemore and adding Aggie Shepherd.
As you need records showing relation here is a list of ECA's Eastern Cherokee Applications identify George Sizemore and Annie Hart Eastern Cherokee Applications (here after called ECA), Lyda Rose (ECA 10246), John Sizemore (ECA 9086), Elizabeth Rose (ECA 12452), Jane Clifton nee Baldwin (ECA 15166), Sarah Altzier (ECA 40025), W. T. [William Tildon] Sizemore and Sarah Ware (ECA 12940), Z. T. [Zachariah Taylor] Sizemore (ECA 12455 & 41553), Andrew J. Sizemore (ECA 34424), Nancy Catherine Scites (ECA 13637), Eva May Akers (ECA 14454), Annie Bailey (ECA 10488), W.H.H. Cook (ECA 10139), Nancy Jane Perdew Farley (ECA 10136), Virginia Clevenger (ECA 12277), Leroy Brinegar (ECA 13008), Mary Perdew (ECA 9099), The listed ECA’s along with multiple other ECA’s help to confirm the actual children on Edward B. “Ned: Sizemore, Junior and his wife Anna Baldwin. In addition, these ECA’s confirm that Edward’s parents were identified as George Sizemore and Annie Hart. In the case of these ECA's the individuals were old enough to remember their grandparents many times being in their late teens to early 30s when their grandfather passed. They also lived around their grandparents as can be proven by census and tax records. Helping to solidify their knowledge of the data they share.
In addition, there are multiple records where George Sizemore sells land to various relations of Annie Hart, this is all taking place while George All Sizemore is supposedly living in Kentucky. BTW there is tax records showing a George Sizemore in Clay county, Kentucky however, because there is no age listed can one be positive he is George All Sizemore. Especially because there is another George Sizemore in the same area during the same time frame that no one mentions. This George Sizemore appears to have been born in about 1776.
US Historian-Do you have the ECA document on hand? This is the first I heard of it. A screenshot would be nice to add to the site so others won’t be confused. Their is so much information from different families you don’t know what to believe. I been trying to find a census record to prove who was in the family and who was not.
I don’t have any family ties to this family, but I have been assigned to look in on it. Any more information would be appreciated. I will add everything back until I find sources to prove otherwise.
Me: I do have copies of the folders! I have copied several of them. I probably have close to 100 to be honest. Each folder has between 5 and 100 pages. Every one of them can be viewed at Fold3.com I honestly get them to pull up easy by typing in Z T Sizemore (Z.T. was my direct line ancestor's brother). Then clicking on the first record that comes up this will bring me to all the applications I can go through each one by surname.
To me these are more valuable then a census as with a census I can not be positive who provided the information. in the case of each ECA the person was providing personal information about themselves, their spouse, their children, their parents, their siblings, their aunts and uncles, and their grandparents. some times they provided their great grandparents and great great grandparents.
In my case I knew the individuals who were in my FAN club. "Friends/Family, Associates and Neighbors"
In my case the names were Baldwin, Blevins, Hart, Osborn, Stamper, Pennington, Cook, Brinegar, Rose, etc. My George Sizemore had siblings that married into some of these families in each case their descendants pretty much made the same claim as my George Sizemore's descendants. because there are so many ECA's from individuals who lived all over who make the same claim tells me it is my George Sizemore.
When completing my observation I felt I needed to have ECA's from individuals who lived during the time of the major events being asked. This was 1836 and 1851. I typically copied the ones where people were born in the 1820s thru the 1840s. If there was a certain note in one that I found of interest I may have copied it as well. I pretty much did this same thing for all the various Sizemore groups. Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Halifax Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia,
I also have copies of files from 1888 to 1896. It is in these that the true story is told, but honestly I have not located anyone from the Kentucky group in these earlier files.
If you provide your email I will send you a few of the pages so you can see what the records are like
I have wanted to upload files and typically do but people keep changing them and say they are George All Sizemore and Agnes Shepherd
3:24 PM
George All Sizemore and Agnes Shepherd are not my group but I feel there is some kind of connection. I'm not so sure George All Sizemore wasn't possibly older maybe closer to the 1730s/1740s.
I also have a problem because people will call Edward Ned Sizemore (the full blooded Cherokee) as George Edward Sizemore. I have actually seen individuals who are great great great grandchildren or further away from my George Sizemore refer to him as George Edward. I believe this happened possibly because of reciting the names of the ancestors as his son was Edward.
after my total explanation and that I was in the process if attaching sources. George was detached!! Basically, I could not restore him no matter what I tried. I called Salt Lake and spoke to one of the helpers. He was able to see that I had followed all procedures etc. I was at a loss. I was informed to create a new person which I did. Then a few days later someone seen George Sizemore and the dates and the name and added All, the same day he was merged with George All Sizemore again. What I don't understand is how I was stopped when in fact I was the one with the sources. Now my sources are added to the wrong George. I have more sources to prove the difference but who do I add them to as George All is not the right individual. I just don't understand how to stop this HUGE MESS!!
Basically, I've tried everything. Typically, I would walk away from this ancestral line as I'm tired of repeated work. But I have a delima with it all. Many descendants of Edward "Ned" Sizemore appear to have Indigenous North America in their DNA. The history and DNA proves they're in America before the Revolution, identified records imply they are fighting against people, basically for their land. They don't get recognition from the Revolutionary War or even helping to make America what it is today. These people need to be recognized and preserved for their true history and not a combining of history we need to work together, and I don't know how to do it.
P.S. I'm sorry this is so long