New Library Lookup Service | Family History Library • • FamilySearch Blog

New Library Lookup Service | Family History Library • • FamilySearch Blog
When you can't visit the FHL in Salt Lake City, UT, or a FamilySearch center, use this service to access records and books remotely.
Online Request form says "This form is closed" :(
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Sharon - that's an outdated link. There is a new link, but the system is currently having problems.
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Thank you so much. I'll wait for the new link & hope the technical problems will resolved soon.
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As far as I've been told, the current link will still be used when the system is repaired.
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The sooner the better
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The access to the form is working again tonight.
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Will you be able to email photocopies of some pages from a periodical in your collection? I am looking for some pages with data about the town of Wladyslawow in volumes II and IV of the quarterly "Landsmen."
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@Hildagarde Sanders you can fill out the form and make the request. The service is not provided through this forum.
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Hello, I'm the first time interested to ask some documents.
Going to the link online request form it tell me : ce formulaire est fermé (the form is colsed) .
Can you give me the appropiate indication what I do wrong and help to open the form ?
1000 thanks in advance
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The link to the form works fine for me
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The blog article has been updated with the correct link.
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I was told the look-up service has been discontinuted?
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Look Up Service is still available.
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@Sven45 if you try to use the OLD link, you will receive a message that the form is closed. That's because it was replaced with a new form and a new link. Go here:
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The direct link is helpful. Here is the current (as of Jan 2023) page for the lookup service:
As with this article, it states, "This service is available in 15 languages to help you access records from countries worldwide."
What languages are available? Is Slovak available? When I access the form, I see three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese) -- see screenshot.
Thank you,
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I have not received materials requested via Research WIKI, initial request made 11/22/2022 for which I received email acknowledging my request. Two subsequent request in last week and non emails have been received. Is the service down/unavailable or no longer in service?
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What name will the email come from so I can search my inbox? I get 100 emails per day and it will be problematic if I need to review a week’s worth of emails without knowing sender.
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When you make the request, you will receive an acknowledgment email almost instantly from that same email address.
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I must not have submitted completely, as I don’t have any emails from that sender
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Please fixed... the form is broken.
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To use the Lookup service, visit the Lookup service page and click the Request Lookup button at the bottom of that page.
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I submitted a request on January 6, 2023. When should I expect to receive a response.
Thank you,
Karen Harmon
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Any news on the status of the Record Lookup Service?????
"When you make the request, you will receive an acknowledgment email almost instantly from that same email address." No acknowledgement email is being received.
Also no response to requests at all.
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@Kerijy I received the automated acknowledgment when I requested just a couple of days ago. Are you using the NEWEST form? I think the older form is still floating around, but only the newest one works.
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Thanks for your reply. Will try that.
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Why is it now required to give my phone number in the new form?
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How can I get copies of LDS files as follows and at what would it cost?
FHL file LV6K-7H1 - Silas M. Fannin 1822-1887
FHL file LCQY-9BL - Rebecca Fannin 1850-1940
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@ralphsayre The Library Lookup Service allows us to request a record, free, if the Library has the record and the right to share it. There is no charge.
I'm unfamiliar with the records you are requesting. I suggest you use the form and submit the request. If the Library is able to share it, you should receive it in a few days, by email, at no charge. FamilySearch Library Record Lookup Service Form