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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
So, that we may better be able to help/assist ...
Question: Are you referring to YOUR ("Private") 'Messages', in this Forum? (ie. The "Envelope" Icon)?
Or, are you referring to some OTHER Part, of this Forum (or, MAYBE, some Part, of 'FamilySearch')?
Please advise.
'Thank You' in advance.
The little "comment" icon to the right of the question mark/help icon
After I click on it, I get a rotating circle and then this message... I used to be able to get in there...
In fact any icon I click on up there produces the above result... Is something broken?
Right, O.K., 'FamilySearch'; and, the ORIGINAL "Computer" Website version, that does make things clearer ...
Firstly ...
IF, you have NOT already; THEN; ...
Here, is an "Oldie"; but, STILL, a "Goodie" ...
Try "Clearing", the "Cookies"; and, the "Cache", of your "Browser" (and, even, your "Browsing History").
It does not always work; but, more often than not it does work ...
Here are some 'Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch':
Now ...
Failing that ...
Secondly ...
(1) WHAT, "Browser"; &, "Operating System", are you using?
(2) Is the "Browser" one of those that is supported, by 'FamilySearch'
(3) Are your "Browser"; &, "Operating System", Up-To-Date, with the LATEST (or PREVIOUS) versions of each?
So ...
That Said ...
Just in case ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch':
And ...
Finally ...
Also, just is case ...
Here are some MORE "Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch':
Good Luck.
Please advise if these do not work.
I hope, that this/these may help/assist, somewhat.
Hm, I have now tried all that... and applied all that was suggested... still no messages...
Just in passing ...
Right, O.K. ...
Question: Have you SENT any 'Messages' TO; and/or, RECEIVED any 'Messages' FROM, any OTHER User/Patron.
IF, you have; THEN, when you select the "Message" Icon; THEN, you get this ...
I am not certain, what happens these days, if one has NO 'Messages' ...
I would expect, that the "SHOW ALL MESSAGES ... +", would just appear.
Where, you would select, that to, "Create"; and, "Send", a 'Message', to ANOTHER User/Patron.
Just my thoughts.
I had sent about four messages, I think I've received one or two answers to these. Then I checked out "Cousins" and sent messages to two for which I have received responses. I can hover over the icon and see a selection of messages including the two latter mentioned responses but when I click on them I only get the rotating circle and then the error message. Hence, based on my somewhat limited knowledge of such things, I have to assume that something is not right... I don't have any problems elsewhere in the internet and I can look at my family tree with no problem as with other parts of familysearch. Its just the message board, the notifications and my profile that don't seem to work.
Just in passing ...
I am sorry, I do not understand, WHY, you are having such problems/issues ...
When I, select; and, get, that "Drop Down" List, with my 'Messages' ...
IF, I select, a specific 'Message'; THEN, the 'FamilySearch' User Messaging" page/screen appears, with that specific 'Message' appearing.
Likewise ...
IF, I select, a "Show All Messages ... +"'; THEN, the DEFAULT 'FamilySearch' User Messaging" page/screen appears, with the LATEST 'Message' appearing.
Hm ...
Questions: WHAT, "Operating System"; and, "Browser", are you using.
I am just curious ...
As, that may have a bearing on things ...
Hi Brett, I am using Safari on an iMac, all up to date and well functioning.
The icons work on this page :
just not here:
It only give an error message when I click on "show all messages" or on any individual message visible here. Same for notifications - the bell icon - and my profile - photo with my name.
Just in passing ...
I have to 'bow out', at this stage ...
I am NOT, an "Apple", Device; or, Product, user ...
I have, no knowledge of; or, real experience, with such ...
I am sorry ...
I will have to leave this to those with, knowledge of; and, experience, with" Apple", Devices; or, Products
ps: Re: You later 'Comment', I understand that, that is obvious; as, we are 'Conversing' here in the Forum.
Could you tell me where to reach out to someone? I can't seem to find a definite address to contact anyone about this... frustrating
This is ONE place to "Reach Out" ...
Just give it, some 'Time', for OTHER, "Participants"; and, "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] to come 'on-line'; as, it is STILL, the EARLY Hours, of the MORNING, in "North America".
It will not be long; and, the Forum will be quite BUSY ...
I am sure, that Others WILL join in ...
Good Luck.
Again, sorry.
Thank you so much Brett!
Moderators [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel ) ]
Regarding the Problem/Issue in this 'Post' ...
Can a "Moderator" please either, come up with some suggestions to help/assist; or, forward for investigation.
[ ie. Especially, someone with, knowledge of; and, experience, with" Apple", Devices; or, Products ... ]
'Thank You' in advance.
Attention: @CJTobler ( FYI - Can you oblige ... Sorry; as, there is NO ability, to "Mention", a "Title"/"Postion" )
We are sending you a private message for additional information.
I'm on a Mac as well with the latest Safari update. Yesterday was dodgy. Today very little is working. Either the page tries to continually load or stays frozen. I moved to Firefox. Extremely irritating.
Re: PREVIOUS 'Comment'
Related ( LATER / SUBSEQUENT ) Post ...
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = General Questions
Hahahaha. Love the attempts to resolve this - but On a Mac with any browser and the latest updated OS (beta version), ever since the FamilySearch update message Sunday night, the Bell Icon will show a red dot that messages are there in the Old FamilySearch home page, but when the Bell is rung, the red dot disappears and that is it. All browsers (Safari, Vivaldi, Firefox, Opera).
However, when you slide over to the new FamilySearch page, the bell icon works. Ergo, FamilySearch cracked the bell on the "old" page, but it works fine on the new page. So until the bugs and 'features' are worked out with the new page (ie, the Helper function below the account user name is missing), stop denying that there is a problem and pretty please just resolve it on the crispy original page.
It's 'Brett.
You, like some others, are lucky ...
Many of us, CANNOT, get the "Notifications" 'Bell' Icon, to work, not matter, what page/screen, we go to ...
NOT what "Browsers" we try to use.
The matter, has been "Reported"; and, is being "Investigated", by 'FamilySearch' ...
Here is just another recent post, on the matter ...
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = Temple
Now ...
That Said ...
'FamilySearch', IS in the Process, of TRYING to address/fix such ...
But ...
That Said ...
It is NOT, as simple, as most of us think.
They FIRST, have to find and identify, the cause; before, they can start to address/fix.
"Programming"; and, "Coding"; and, especially, even, doing the remedial work, is NOT easy.
Like it or not ...
We just need to be patient.
Most of us, are ... 'in the same boat' ...
And ...
As an aside ...
Of course ...
In the interim ...
There is ALWAYS, the 'Workaround', until the problem/issue, is addressed/fixed; which, is to use the URL:
Which takes one, to one's "Notifications"; where, the "Default", is the FIRST 'Category', of "Discoveries".
[ ie. URL = ]
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
ps: One can simply just "Bookmark" that URL ... one then has OTHER quick and easy access ...
Actually, that workaround only takes you to Discoveries and not Temple Notifications. What does takes you to the bell icon working, is sliding the New Features to green and then going to the bell on that new page. This works on a Mac on all browsers.
Sorry it took so long to get the cobwebs out of the PC. Okay, it is the same behavior. To get the bell to "ring" slide into the "Try new homepage features" and then click on the bell, so the Temple Ordinances Notifications show up.
That is the "work-around" for both platforms.
IF, you have a look at to top of that URL , that I provided; THEN, you will notice, that ALL the 'Categories' appear (ie. Including "Temple"), not just that for "Discoveries".
When a Family Group (Temple) message was posted, I did get to see it earlier, but when I went back to the bell on the original crispy page, the bug had not been squashed - yet. So the coding got the original Homepage template is what has been "twitterpated".
On the PC, yes, three tabs appear. On the Mac, only two do. "TEMPLE" is not an option. So your workaround works on only one platform.
Thanks for the replies. ;^)
So notifications from the Community Forum show up when the bell is clicked (rung). Please zero in on the Temple notifications under the bell code to see what was changed.