Who are the Moderators on this site? Can anyone get Official, Final answers on questions?

Who can we tag in this forum to get the same type of assistance that we had in Indexing Chat? We need a contact who can go straight to the source or headquarters to get official answers. They also need to be able to share the inconsistencies or problems with project instructions.
There are many questions this morning on the Canadian Tax Assessment and Boston Tax records that need to be addressed. They have been ongoing questions since the projects started.
My question of the morning is why aren't the names in Trusts being indexed? The name of a trust is usually the family name or the individuals names of the people who have put their assets in a trust.
Perhaps the moderators could be listed in an announcement.
Thanks in advance.
Attention: Administration - @Mark McLemore ( & @PiperTWilson )
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Hello, @Melissa S Himes. I hear your frustration with not being able to get the answers you're looking for.
At this time, when you need help, we ask you to continue to post your questions in the Indexing category.
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Sorry, @PiperTWilson that is not helpful at all. The Indexing Chat format was helpful. This might be why there are so few questions being asked on this platform as compared to the previous forum. Having people like me provide answers to these questions is okay, but, when in doubt it would be nice to know which moderator to contact for further clarification. Would that be you?
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Please be aware ...
That the poster, of this post, 'Melissa', was one of the former, 'mainstays', 'stalwarts'; and, if I recall correctly, "Leaders", of the former 'Group' (ie. that was ... 'unceremoniously' ... "Closed" down; and, "Replaced", by this 'Category', of "Indexing"); being, the "Indexing Chat', in the "Groups" Section, of this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
'Melissa', transitioned; and, graciously, ANSWERS, the 'Questions', in this 'Category', of "Indexing".
[ Along, with a number of OTHERS like herself, from the former 'Group', of "Indexing Chat" ... ]
'Melissa', DOES NOT ,"Ask" the 'Questions' ...
'Melissa', ANSWERS the 'Questions', providing much NEEDED, help/assistance (and, support), to OTHERS ...
Hence ...
This 'Post', by 'Melissa' ...
WHO now, are the, "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ]; and, "Product", 'Line Managers', that are responsible for "Indexing", in 'FamilySearch', that the likes of a "Leader" (such as, 'Melissa), of this 'Category', of "Indexing", CAN now 'turn to'; if and when, needs be?
That is the REAL crux, of this matter, raised by 'Melissa'.
For Example:
One, of the then, "Product Managers", that was responsible for "Indexing", in 'FamilySearch' (I think, 'Jason'), was a regular Participant and Respondent, in the the former 'Group', of "Indexing Chat".
Therefore ...
As such ...
Can you please, find out; and, provide 'Melissa', through a ("Private") 'Message', with the "Contact Names", of the, "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel); and, "Product", 'Line Managers', that are responsible for "Indexing", in 'FamilySearch'.
Humbly submitted for your IMMEDIATE, information; attention; and, consideration.
'Thank You' in advance.
Your cooperation, would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Yours Faithfully,
ps: As, the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, can ill afford, to loose, Participants, such as 'Melissa' ...
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Thank you for your support, Brett. I really appreciate your help by expounding on what I was trying to express. Obviously, I didn't get through on my first try. Social media can be so difficult to convey what one is trying to explain, but, you hit the nail on the head.
After Indexing Chat was disbanded, I was only going to answer questions on this platform until the FamilySearch Support team was up to speed and able to man the site 24/7 - 365 days. That hasn't seem to happen. Indexers deserve correct, speedy responses to their questions. I remember when I started indexing and it was so frustrating to have to wait a day for an answer to complete my batches! I thought the immediacy of a chat room would end that frustration.
Now my plea is that they will appoint a moderator who has direct access to the project managers and Indexing Ops, and a second person, like the beloved, late Jason, who could handle any technical question that needed to be directed to a higher level.
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I strongly support Melissa’s plea and suggested “upgrades” to the current Q&A “mechanism.” I think that we have pretty much reached “steady state” with the current setup, and it isn’t pretty.
We need a return to the proven practices of the Indexing Chat Group, or FS risks wearing out those who earnestly try to help others, but are not feeling supported by the “system.” FS needs to “flatten” the setup and remove the “middle layers” between the Indexer and Reviewer questions/questioners, willing, knowledgeable, but not “all-knowing” helpers and those with the final indexing “say so” and technology “know how.”
FS needs to choose a capable someone in software development to step in for our beloved, late Jason. And we need a designated go-to experienced and dedicated person like Heather R Jacobs was for Indexing Chat and whose tireless intermediation and direct connections with the decision-makers I also greatly miss. We got timely and definitive answers. Even if I didn't always agree, at least I could confidently salute and move on.
We need single points of contact for indexing and technical issues.
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Totally agree . . .
well stated by those above.
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Moderators do have access to the answers to the questions asked. Community is intended as a group effort including both moderators and knowledgeable indexers providing help to questions. We are encouraging indexers to help each other but will step in when needed.
You are all needed. This is a Community working together to help each other. You do not have to feel like you carry the burden alone. We can and do step in when we see the need.
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yes we are all needed. . . TOTALLY on board with that!
but I think you may be totally missing the point of what Melissa / Brett / John are pointing out
(all, by the way, very long term users of the community with vast experience in how things work now versus how things used to be)
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@annewandering has been very helpful in tracking down the "current wisdom" - presumably reflecting the intention of the project managers and data owners, notwithstanding the wording of possibly imperfect instructions, or insufficient/inadequate examples. But I've understood that we should not tag individual moderators. That is a problem when an issue needs timely resolution. Having one or a few moderators that are "tag-able" and charged with following up on issues would allow a helper to rest assured that someone will handle the problem and provide feedback. "Hoping" that the appropriately skilled/informed/connected moderator will happen to see the post makes me very uncomfortable.
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Amen - you wouldn't believe the hours I spend "trolling" and hoping I'll find someone like John, Heather, Melissa, Anne who take the time & help me think it thru for myself when examples don't apply😎
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It might be well to point out that while we appreciate questions being asked here you can contact FamilySearch by phone in many areas during regular hours. Look at this link in Contact us to see if phone calls or chats are available in your area. https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/contact-us
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It's 'Brett'.
Just in passing ...
'Yes', that is correct ...
But ...
That Said ...
Unfortunately ...
From 'first-hand' experience; &, anecdotal evidence (here; & other iterations, of this Forum), has proven ...
It is more often than not, BETTER to, search & find in; &, use, this "Community.FamilySearch Forum ...
Rather than, contact 'FamilySearch' "Support", directly via/through, 'Telephone'; &/or, 'Live' ('On-Line') 'Chat' ...
[ These days, Users/Patrons, are more often than not, being DIRECTED to use this Forum ... ]
I am not discouraging such ...
Just saying ... it can be the case ...
Just my thoughts.
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[ Phone Service being a replacement for the Community during the day]
Oh boy . . . . . .
If only those people who answer the phones knew the answers to even a portion of the questions asked here in the community. and if they dont, you'll be waiting at least a few hours even to get an answer remotely answering any complex question.
Here in the community we have people like Brett, Melissa, John and (we USED to have so many more just like them - but so many of them left after the change in leadership ) with years of experience and who, by the way, many are/were not even missionaries. Powers users assigned to specific groups/categories to field questions they have years of experience with.
The phones are nice for quick turnaround items that dont require a lot of experience. Things like password reset issues, access problems, and other basic request/help.
BUT it in NO WAY in my book, in any even stretch of the imagination, replaces the community and the help center references.
the whole concept of a "Community" is users helping users. (Users, who may have been using the system for years, that all so often know the system better than the recently called volunteers who are still learning the ropes.)
Dont get me wrong . . . I salute the missionaries for their sacrifice and time and willingness to help out in any way they can. And they can be a valuable resource in certain conditions.
BUT all so often they are put in very awkward situations of trying to field questions and provide support for a system and area of knowledge that they may just be learning.
which is why I have always encouraged the community and FS to much better leverage "power users" in the community, who have been using FamilySearch for years and with years of genealogical experience who may not even want to be formal missionaries but who none the less are more than happy to volunteer in the community.
That is the way it used to be in prior leadership of the community of leveraging assigned Powers Users to help field questions they had expertise in and groups they had been assigned to (even if they were not formally missionaries) - which is what Brett/Melissa/John and others were pointing out.
if someone thinks the community is just a night time replacement for the day time phones - I fear they have grossly misunderstood the purpose and potential of the community. (even with the clear imperfections and problems the community has)
It might be totally different if those answering the phones were more than just a revolving set of volunteers learning the system themselves.
Again I salute the missionaries for their service, work, and huge efforts. May God Bless them. I really mean that - but they are all so often put in very awkward positions to field questions they often are just being trained on themselves .
Yes - the phone lines are a good thing to use when the need is appropriate and the complexity of the issue is low or it is just a matter of understanding policy/procedure. But there needs to be a secondary level of support, beyond just the front lines answering the phones and this secondary level really needs to be people who have the experience and knowledge
same is needed here in the community with a secondary level of support who are either volunteers with years of experience, employees or power users of the community and who have been assigned to areas related to their expertise.
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And ...
Furthermore ...
WHOSE "Day" ... yours, in "North America" ... or, OURS, in the OTHER ('far flung') Parts of the "World" ...
[ ie. In my case, UTC +11 Hours, that being the actual day/night; BEFORE, "North America" ... ]
And, to make matters worse, some of OUR 'Regional' "Call Centres", around the (OTHER Parts of the) "World", are, in may case, located, in "Countries"; where, the FIRST Language, is NOT "English" - that certainly DOES NOT "Help".
Seriously ...
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I have used the FS Help Chat several times to get a timely response when I couldn't find an answer in Community Help. While the Sisters are infinately patient and try to be helpful, they are not knowledgeable about specific projects and usually are only able to look at the same project instructions and entry field helps that we have the same access to. It's often, "in my opinion," or sometimes they'll get input from others in the help center or a supervisor.
I have often suggested corrections to incomplete, confusing, or even incorrect instructions, which I've been told would be passed on (have yet to see these implemented in the projects nor do I know how they would notify indexer/reviewers of any changes that are made!).
There should be someone to contact to get project instructions corrected/clarified quickly and notifications to indexers and reviewers so mistakes aren't repeatedly made that then end up being corrected by reviewers or go through uncorrected. This would lessen the frustration for everyone involved.
The questions here also reveal that the Project Examples for Part A may not be relevant for Part B, etc.
Perhaps a review of Project Instructions and Project Examples from our more experienced members before projects become available to be indexed would make more sense.
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I think part of the problem is not having well organized indexing project-specific forum threads, accessible directly from an indexing batch being worked on.
I submitted an idea to have a direct link from an indexing batch (probably in the help menu) to a project discussion group where the community can offer more help and ideas to others doing batches for the same project -- all in one place.
Separate discussion group for each separate indexing project, with subfolders able to be created in those groups, to further organize them.
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I support @D Todd Wolford ‘s idea. I made a related suggestion in June 2021 to create a page for each project or project type where Q&A could be concentrated. An optimal solution might combine the best of both. Here is a link to @D Todd Wolford ’s idea if you wish to up-vote it. There within my comment on Todd’s you’ll also see a link to my idea. But please concentrate your support on Todd’s version - let’s give it some traction. The developers can see both if they wish.
Also, I, Todd - I’m sure - and many others - would appreciate feedback on this specific important idea from the developers. And I believe it would be a great practice to actually give feedback on ideas that have received above a certain number of up votes.
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I kinda believe along the same lines as @MinnWisRoots voiced in their comment.
If there is to be a sort of mod chat to get answers, they would just be people like us, still learning. I dont see how they could do a better job than we have done here, in the FS community. As said they would probably still refer us to the indexing helps or other such answers.
I think this set up is actually better, in light of the fact that when a question is asked, its asked to an entire community. Multiple views, discussions like we are having right now, insights, and when all that comes together for the inquirer and they find the answer they are looking for, It feels awesome. I wouldnt give up this family like atmosphere for anything else.
I also agree with @John Empoliti where he says we need some tag-able mods who can come in and answer questions we feel their expertise can solve. I can understand the general feeling here of feeling like we've been left to wander, so i think tag-able mods are a great idea. It bridges the gap between: indexer-Reviewer and MOD. I feel there needs to be something between them. Maybe that is what the stars levels are for? If so it would be great to have a roster to access so that we could be able to tag those specifically listed 5 star, 4 star, or 3 star users.
What do you all think?
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@Colin Yamamoto_1 . The person or persons who are designated to contact FS Project Managers or the Indexing Product Manager on behalf of the Indexing Q&A need to be official FS employees or Moderators.
My concept is that when even the most experienced contributors (most stars) reach an impasse, there is an efficient process leading to a timely, official resolution. I wouldn't want more opinions. Notwithstanding vague instructions, I would like to know the official interpretation or a declaration of the Project Manager and or data owners' desired action in the case of indexing best practices. I would also hope for a timely official response in the case of a technical issue.
We need to know whom to contact in these cases.
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To whomever fixed the "BEST Answer" situation, thank you. I deleted the comments, but, I stand firm that unless the answer is a CORRECT answer, Moderators should not be selecting BEST ANSWER on other people's posts, nor should they be REJECTING any answer. If an answer is wrong on an indexing question, it should be deleted; A Pure and Simple Solution to the inaccuracy so that indexers do not get confused.
I'm one of the 5 star user that Colin referred to in his post. I started this thread because I wanted to know who to contact when the seasoned indexers/reviewers did not have an answer, or the situation needed to be escalated.
So, what do the 5 stars mean? I've been in the Community since September 2017. I have over 5000 comments and 1000 likes as of 12/21. So, I've been around a while. I was also a co-administrator of the Zoning group on the old platform. (Don't get excited, Zoning was a great, short experiment that has ended). So, the more you work you do in the Community, the more stars you earn. It doesn't mean you know anymore than anyone else, or that you are a 5-star General of Indexing, or that you are getting paid for posts. It just shows activity.
On the indexing side, I have indexed 296,061 records (180k didn't transfer) so, in reality, I believe that I have indexed approximately 476,000 records. When I hit 300,000 again, I'm probably retiring from indexing and putting my time into transcribing historical documents (my other hobby since 2014). That should happen around the beginning of Spring - unless there's an obit project in February and I can index/review 3000 records in a month!
What I am not is a member of the Church, nor do I have any affiliation with any of the subscription partners. I am a retired research coordinator, a pickleball player, a history buff, an avid reader, a needle-crafter, and not looking for a job, especially as a moderator. John Empoliti and I do this because when we started indexing we didn't have any one to help us learn until we found a group of people on Facebook who became our mentors. So, we jumped over to Indexing Chat to pay it forward for what we received. When they switched to this platform, I stuck around thinking that the Support Missionaries would take over in a few months when they finished training. That didn't happen. Trust me, for those who didn't see it, Indexing Chat was a whole lot more organized and the platform was completely different! I fully believe that the moderators have done their best with what they have had to work with.
What this forum needs is a LEADER, preferably someone who either is in, or has direct contact with, Indexing Operations, who can be tagged when questions arise that stump the best experienced indexers. We had these contacts in Indexing Chat and they need to be made available again. This is not about thinking that answering questions is a burden. It is a pleasure to help others. This is about the necessity of having someone who can get final answers or escalate issues.
I'm done. Thanks for listening.
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Thanks, Melissa and John for everything you do -- Mary😎
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"What the forum needs is a LEADER(s)"
Amen to that!!!
We need someone who LEADS, who provides VISION, who organizes people, who leverages people with talent and expertise, who NURTURES and UPLIFTS, who INSPIRES and GIVES DIRECTION, who makes members of the community feel VALUED, who seeks to do more than just answer questions and represents the "Community Code of Conduct Police"
Oh how FS leadership missed the boat when they Let Carolyn Webber go in such a horrible manner.
She was the epitome of the leader I describe. We (the Community) are still to this day suffering her loss and the huge gap and hole that was left when FS totally abandoned the mode of operation we were under, under her leadership.
also Heather Jacobs who took the lead over a long period of time on the Indexing Chat. What a critical and key role she actively played for so long. and so many others that were working together as a cohesive experienced team (many of them not even official Volunteers - but doing more work than most official volunteers. ) and so many of these former leaders just left in limbo . . .
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Yes Thanks to so many like Melissa, John, Heather, Brett, and so many that often go unmentioned but that have given so much to the community . . . all so often not even with an official role/title.
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And, MANY 'Thanks', to YOU, for your TIRELESS efforts, working in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
Over these MANY Years ...
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Thanks to you too Brett. I've wondered when I see your posts, why you use the apostrophes (single quotes) so often? We use those, and also double quotes ( " ) for specific purposes in English, so I personally have been a little confused by your posts, since it seems you intend for them to mean something different.
Nothing personal- and I'm not offended if you want to keep using them. Just hoped you might explain.
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That is just me ...
That is just my 'Style' ...
Each to their own ...
ps: I am not about to "Change" ...
.... As, I care not, what others, think; or, like ...
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It's an interesting style. :) Do you use them to denote emphasis? Or just randomly? Or another reason?
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We are ALL part of the Glorious Choir that is the Community . . .
each of us with our unique style, unique personality, unique skills, and unique background.
and with members across the World in many different countries and languages. and even among English speakers - quite a diversity.
I for one think its great! :-)