Errors in Relationship Generator
With the collapse of cases I have all sorts of information lost. I had reported multiple PIDs where a direct relationship is incorrectly noted as a distant relative. For example 9J7J-3GF is shown as a distant relative. He is my 10th GGfather. To whit his daughter KD3T-9YM does correctly show as my 9th GGmother.
I had submitted multiple PIDs where this was the case -- in each case both spouses are incorrect.
So how are we getting actual technical issues resolved now?
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Several moderators have posted that the best way to report a bug report is to the Ideas section here in Communities. It works best to post full, clear details. Just like when going to the doctor, you can't just walk in and say "l'm sick." You have to give a full, clear list of symptoms, with illustrations, sufficient to diagnose what is going on. Then you can expect one of the following:
1) A request for more information if felt needed.
2) That the issue is not fixed if there is not really a problem.
3) The problem will be fixed in months to years depending on urgency and priority level.
You should not expect to ever get a direct response. Bug reports are like those suggestion boxes stores have. They are to collect suggestions, not start conversations. But we have been reassured many times that reports of problems do get to the right people.
The screen shot was quite helpful, not as much as seeing both it and the equivalent one for the other path, but it is sufficient to see that the programming, which we have been told looks for the closest relationship, appears to consider "closest" to be how many generations back you are on the chart. Calling you generation 1, Charles is in generation ten due to your relationship to his wife. Going through his daughter, he would be in generation twelve, two generations more distant.
FamilySearch has not created a relationship calculator to give us all relationships, just that closest one. Many desktop programs do trace out every relationship - my mother-in-law and father-in-law are related nineteen different ways according to the one I use, but they are dealing with much smaller databases having a few thousand people, not hundreds of millions, and only functioning for one user at a time, not hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously. So I doubt we will ever see more than that single closest relationship.
Hola Paula Thornton ahí le dejo el articulo de conocimiento que la puede orientar.
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Please see private message (red dot on envelope) to gather more information. Thanks you
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Recommendations to make posts to the Wiki, but no instructions as to how to find said Wiki.
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As described, those are routine errors on the tree, not technical issues. The case report system never handled routine errors. They are easy to fix and you can fix them. Do you need to know how?
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In reviewing the Wiki, it was not apparent that (as recommended by the first response) that this is the 'home' for technical issues. Am I missing something?
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@Paula Thornton if the issue is created by having an incorrect spouse attached, you can change that information and attach the correct spouse. That's not a Wiki issue, but a Tree correction. You can view the latest changes to see when those people were attached.
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@Áine Ni Donnghaile This is a TECHNICAL issue. It has nothing to do with attachments. It has to do with the prioritization of logic rules in the coding. It needs review by the developers.
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It seems I have misunderstood when you said "I had submitted multiple PIDs where this was the case -- in each case both spouses are incorrect."
If your family is like many at that genealogical distance, you likely have a degree of pedigree collapse. The relationship calculators just can't cope. In my maternal family, a set of 4th great grandparents are also my 6th great grandparents. They had a large family, and their oldest child is my 5th great grandfather on one branch, while their youngest child is my 3rd great grandfather on another branch. The calculators cannot manage to keep that straight. It's beyond the capacity of the algorithm. And not just on FamilySearch but on other genealogical sites as well.
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The spouse relationships to each other are correct, their relationship to me are not correct.
An algorithm can be tuned to pick 'highest value'. They're currently not doing that.
Why is it such a big deal to simply forward the 'error' for review?
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By system design my relationship feature calculation finds and displays first path it finds. Hence, system is working as designed. Please submit an enhancement by using our feedback feature.
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"System is working as designed."
Not clear to me how correction of a design flaw qualifies as a 'feature'.
A 'fail' is still a fail.
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Here is my suggestion to get this issue addressed. Go to the Ideas section and start a topic called something like "Bug Report: View My Relationship Error."
Go to your 9th GGmother, click View My Relationship. Take a screen shot (you may have to take a couple and stitch them together to have the information large enough to read names and ID numbers.). Blur out any private information on you and your parents, and grandparents if needed.
Go to her father, your 10th GGfather and do the same.
Post both screen shots.
Ask the engineers to either explain why the two relationship lines are so different or fix the program.
To fix a problem, it usually takes specific, clearly illustrated, clearly defined examples that can be reproduced. Here reproducibility is a problem because no one else can see your relationships. That makes the screen shots a vital piece of the problem description.
Here, for example is what similar relationships look like in my family with too small of an image to do anyone any good:
They display just fine. So there must be something in your line that the programming does not account for. By seeing your display and tracing back through the lines, they should be able to find where things go off kilter and find a solution.
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Gordon: Thanks for the recommendation, but seriously, if a developer cannot see the issue outlined with the inclusion of a PID, they have no business holding their position. Their greatest skillset IS troubleshooting.
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Another example: 93GW-CZW
Listed by the relationship generator:
Guillaume Trahan
His son Alexandre is my 8th GGfather
Son Jean Charles my 9th GGfather
Daughter Jeanne 10th GGmother
At least one direct descendancy should show up!
Same with 96YH-571
Charles Boudrot
He's my 10th GGfather (daughter Marie is correctly listed as my 9th GGmother).
His wife
Renée Bourg
Again, she's my 10th GGmother.
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@Paula Thornton I am trying to follow what you are saying. Screenshots as @Gordon Collett suggested would really help.
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The problem with the suggestion is that the screen shot has all the WRONG information.
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That's perfect! Exactly how it is wrong is information.
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Here's another
Charles Melanson
about December 1642 – about 1700
Relationship generator:
Charles Melanson
His daughter
Cécile Melanson
about May 1671 – after 1735
• 9W21-LYP
Relationship generator:
Cécile Melanson
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Once again: this will not help at all until someone can see the exact paths and trace them step by step to see where the two relationship paths diverge.
If you do not know how to capture a screen shot, please ask, including what kind of device and operating system you are using and someone will be happy to give instructions on how to and how to post the screen shot here.
The developers cannot fix this if they cannot see the problem and I seriously doubt they can trace your relationships to these people unless you provide them with your account information and helper number (Do not post it here) so they can sign in as you to take a look or unless you provide step by step the relationship lines either by typing them out or posting a screen shot. Otherwise you are wasting you time posting these examples.
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Gordon: Pray tell, now that our reporting system has been completely dismantled HOW DO WE get anything to the developers?
And what good is a screenshot that is too small to read?
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@Paula Thornton - Are you able to zoom into part of the screen and take a screenshot of the larger portion you see? If you can do that, you are able to scroll down to a different part of the screen and then screenshot the next portion.
After all that, you can post the enlarged screenshots here.
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It now turns out that my original PID 9J7J-3GF is displaying correctly.
Jeanne Trahan LRJ5-FWL is my 10th GGmother (first 3 images)
Her parents, Guillaume Trahan 93GW-CZW are not (second 3 images)