Photograph of other than people
I have a question, but would prefer it not to be public. Please contact me.
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Someone is posting memories to people in my direct line and they are attaching each memory to 80+ people. Now my grandfather has over 300 memories and most of them have nothing to do with him. He is being tagged on documents belonging to 3rd cousins and their spouses, great great grandparents, etc. There are many pictures of headstones that are not relevant yet he and my grandmother are both tagged. I know that I can detach each memory that is not relevant but that is very tedious. I'm curious if there are any guidelines for this specific issue.
@LizzyBSolomon We commend you you for your expertise in knowing how to detach those numerous , sometime inaccurate, memories.
The answer to your question concerning guidelines for this issue, the only "guideline", other than detaching, as you have indicated you already know how, would be to attempt to contact the contributor (s) who are actively engaged in this behavior. Particularly if it is the same contributor. Perhaps they are hoping to influence the "My Contribution" numbers, which would be unfortunate.
For information on how to contact other contributors, in Help Center you may use search term, to contact other contributors, .. or you may use this link. How do I send a message to someone who contributed to Family Tree or Memories?
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
You are not alone ...
Other have ... been there ...
Where individuals/person had been "Tagged" in "Memories", that aught not to have been ...
Here are a couple of posts on such ...
And ...
Unfortunately ...
It appears, from the aforementioned, that the affect 'lowly' User/Patron, has to spend their valuable time; and, do all the work, to "Remove" the many inappropriate "Tags".
But ...
That Said ...
There are some, actions that one may be able to take; and, some options available ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', that somewhat addresses your problem/issue.
Here is the FIRST "Knowledge Article":
[ But, your particular situation/circumstance, has gone beyond this following "Knowledge Article" ... ]
Now ...
After that ...
As you can 'see', "Collaboration" needs to be undertaken.
But, when "Collaboration" FAILS; and, provided that there is NO "Abuse" ...
Then, there is this "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
that comes to the fore ...
In particularly, the last sentence in that "Knowledge Article"; which, is very IMPORTANT:
If you have questions regarding inadvertent, suspicious or potentially malicious errors in records that you are unable to resolve per the instructions above, contact FamilySearch Support.
But ...
That Said ...
Your particular situation/circumstance, may really border on that of "Abuse".
As Such ...
This "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
comes to the fore.
Now ...
All That Said ...
As such ...
IF, you have undertaken "Collaboration" with the particular User/Patron in question, causing concern; and, that "Collaboration" has FAILED (eg. NO Response); and/or, there is a FORM of "Abuse"; THEN, you can, either,
(1) For a "Private" communication ...
Contact 'FamilySearch' "Support" DIRECTLY via the,
(a) Telephone; and,
(b) an "Live ('On-Line') "Chat"
To keep the communication "Private", if you are directed back to this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, insist that you do not want to do so; and, prefer that the matter be handled "Privately".
(2) For a communication is "Public" view ...
'Post' HERE in "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; and, HOPEFULLY, the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] HERE in this Forum, can TAKE the MATTER directly into the workings of 'FamilySearch' "Support", to help/assist you; and, communicate with you "Privately" via/through either, ("Private") 'Messaging' in 'FamilySearch' (or, the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum); and/or, DIRECT "E-mail".
And ...
IF, you want, keep any 'Post' here, in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, to a minimum, devoid of, "Personal" Information about one's self; and, even, not providing information about any Ancestors, just a precis of the matter; and, requesting a "Private" communication directly from 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel).
You are not alone ...
Other have ... been there ...
Plus, it is a 'Slow' process, the whole thing often takes some time, to resolve.
Good Luck.
I hope this also helps/assists, somewhat.
Thank you for posting your concern in the Community about memory tags attached incorrectly. What a frustrating problem, The following link will give directions.
We wish you success in resolving this issue,
Thank you!
Why don't you message the person who did the tag and ask they what their purpose was? I have not had your problem very much, but when I did that was my course of action. The response was "oops! Sorry." and that was the end of it.
This is an example of the many many tags. This picture has 26 people tagged including both of my grandparents. My cousins and I have collaborated and none of us know who either of these people are. There are definitely anyone in our immediate family, nor are either one of them siblings of either grandparent. We know our extended family quite well, and we do not know who this is. We have reached out to the user that is tagging all the pictures/documents with no response. They are literally tagging faster than we can untag. Some pictures have as many as 80 people tagged. This is such a waste of time. I think the guidelines for tagging need to be updated. Sometimes common sense does not prevail.