HELP!!!!! - I'm drowning in E-Mail!!!

I don't know what got updated today, but so far I have gotten 287 e-mails from FamilySearch Communities.
It appears that notifications are being sent out for every post on every discussion I have ever taken part in over the past decade. I just got several dozen with the title for the e-mail being "[user name] commented on Family Tree Now Available To Users."
Here is a screen shot:
I'm not going to change my notification setting quite yet but will be keeping a running total. I hope this gets fixed soon!
Best Answer
@Paul W , @Brett ., @Gordon Collett @Sue Maxwell, @MiriamJoyce21, @dontiknowyou, @Julia Szent-Györgyi, @MaureenE123 -
Greetings Friends,
I am very sorry this issue occurred - we did some work to integrate the community with the blog over the weekend which had the unintended side effect of triggering these emails. The comments from the blog were imported into the community and associated with user accounts, which triggered the emails. This was a one time effort, so we should not expect this to continue/happen again.
I also wholeheartedly agree that we can do a better job of communicating - I'm exploring ways to do this community wide. Please expect more info on the matter soon.
Have also happened to me, but have recieved 30.
All the comments about the FamilySearch update when changing from new FamilySearch to family tree
I think a system error??
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@Gordon Collett ( & @MiriamJoyce21 )
[ Attention: @Mark McLemore ]
Gordon ( & Miriam )
Just my thoughts ...
No need to panic ...
I think, I have 'twigged'; as, to what is going on ...
'No' ...
NOT a "System" Error ...
And, NOT "Spam" ...
The other night I got a lot more than x30 (ie. it was massive ...).
It took me ages to "Delete" them.
[ A real inconvenience, to say the least ... ]
I 'looked' at a couple ...
Then, I noticed, that the URL, was that the "Beta" (ie. "Test") Environment, for the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Plus, I then further noticed, that such ("E-mail") "Messages" were, in fact, a DIFFERENT form of the 'Comments', from various 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Articles; in particular, those that I had 'Commented' upon myself (at some stage).
I found myself amongst the many 'Comments' in the various Articles.
Luckily, it has stopped (and, has NOT resurfaced); and, hopefully, 'FamilySearch' realised the MASSIVE problem/issue, that they had created/caused,
A 'Heads-up', would have certainly been nice - but, NOTHING, is 'on par', with things.
What I think is happening, is that 'FamilySearch' is "Capturing" both, the various 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Articles; and, their associated 'Comments'; and, "Transferring" a "Copy" of them, from the 'FamilySearch' "Blog", to another repository, that being a NEW (Storage) place, within the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Such being for, additional, EASY access, through the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; and, possibly, for the particular use of, 'FamilySearch' "Support" - but, that is only my supposition.
Hopefully, when ALL those, 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Articles; and, their associated 'Comments', are "Copied", to the Storage medium, in the "Beta" (ie. "Test") Environment, for the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; then, the whole lot will be transferred to the "Production" (ie. "Live") Environment, for us to access.
I would, hope; and, venture to suggest that, ONLY those Participants (ie. Users/Patrons), in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, who have both, associated (ie. Permission = Linked Account); and, used, the "Beta" (ie. "Test") Environment, for the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, would have been BOMBARDED with those "E-mails" - well, at least, I hope so.
Again, just my thoughts.
ps: To be honest, I did not want to raise the matter, at the time, the other night; as, (1) I was rather preoccupied, with working in the Forum; and, (2) I did not want to start, confusion; and, maybe panic.
pps: Maybe I should have.
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I'm still confused. 😁🐨@Brett .
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I think, that 'FamilySearch' is "Capturing" both, the various 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Articles; and, their associated 'Comments'; and, "Transferring" a "Copy" of them, from the 'FamilySearch' "Blog", to another repository, that being a NEW (Storage) place, within the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
What we noticed, was that "Transfer" process, in action.
I DO NOT think, that we were meant, to 'see' such (ie. Receive those "E-mails").
As, usual, the "Testing", of the "Process"; BEFORE, the implementation, was NOT up to scratch.
Resulting in the MASSIVE amount of "E-mail"; being, INADVERTENTLY, sent out (hopefully, only to a few).
But ...
That Said ...
IF, you have NOT either, associated (ie. Permission = Linked Account); or, used, the "Beta" (ie. "Test") Environment, for the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; THEN, that puts paid, to my theory; and, maybe, ALL Users/Patrons, who have 'Commented', in the various 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Articles, receive those "E-mail".
That would be 'scary' ...
Funny, I have NOT 'seen', any other posts, in the Forum, on this matter.
I hope this helps.
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Thanks Brett
That's a little clearer thankyou
All the best
Miriam 🐨😁
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@Gordon Collett ( & @MiriamJoyce21 )
[ Attention: @Mark McLemore ]
Gordon ( & Miriam )
NOW, we are ... IN TROUBLE ...
It is in the "Production" (ie. "Live") Environment ...
I just got some x67 both. "E-mails"; and, "Notifications" in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
[ Luckily, the 'Number' in 'Red' has not reached x3 digits ... ]
What a NIGHTMARE ...
And, they ALL also 'Flashed-Up' from the 'Bottom-left- hand-corner' of the screen/page while I was in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
An "Absolute" NIGHTMARE ...
I opened one of those that 'Flashed-Up' from the 'Bottom-left- hand-corner' of the screen/page in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
The result was ...
[ This is NEW ... ]
Blog Comments
With some x105 pages/screen of them (at about x10 Articles per page/screen)
And ...
The one that just erupted ...
Home > Blog Comments
Recent Updates to FamilySearch Family Tree
Oh dear ...
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Another 477 e-mails this morning. Now you mention it, the titles do sound like blog articles so this probably does have something to do with the update to the FamiySearch Blog mentioned here:
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Perhaps the default setting should be email notifications off, not on?
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I have most email notifications turned off, so thankfully I haven't been inundated, but something weird showed up in my comments this morning (what I see if I click the gray circle, then my name, then "Comments"): it's listing as new a bunch of comments I made on a blog post eight years ago, when FS was shutting down (and neither archiving nor replacing) their Forums.
The entire discussion is showing up with timestamps only, no dates, as if all twelve pages occurred in the wee hours last night, instead of over the course of weeks or months, nearly a decade ago.
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The only way I could work what has happened, is to go to page 1 of the topic, and click on the link for the Blog and look at the comments at the foot of the Blog.
Luckily for me, I do not have my Comments stream overwhelmed by Blog comments, as on principle I stopped posting on Blogs after what I considered a completely non contentious reply was not accepted by the moderator.
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This area of "Blog Comments", is so NEW, in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, that there is, as of yet, NO "Option", under the "Notification Preferences", in the "Settings", of one's "Profile", in this Forum, to EXCLUDE (ie. Turn "OFF") the "Blog Comments" (ie. "Notifications") - I have 'looked'.
That, in itself, is a "Failing", a Fault/Flaw, in 'Design' and 'Development'.
An "Option", under the "Notification Preferences", in the "Settings", of one's "Profile", in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, to EXCLUDE (ie. Turn "OFF") the "Blog Comments" (ie. "Notifications"), SHOULD have been included [ and, INITIALLY ('Preset') set as 'OFF' ]; and, implemented, so that we are NOT 'Bombarded', with these (somewhat, "Excessive") particular "Notifications"; BEFORE, the area of "Blog Comments" was even instigated.
Just my thoughts.
ps: I am not totally certain; but, it seems that they DO NOT appear to be a problem/issue, if one DID NOT 'Comment' (or, "Respond") on/in/to any of the 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Articles.
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189 more e-mails since this morning.
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Now they are starting to show up in my notifications:
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Likewise; and, the same amount of "Notifications", appearing, also 'Flashing-Up', from the 'Bottom-left-hand-corner' of the screen/page, while I was in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; plus, not to mention the ("Notifications") 'Bell' (in the Forum), with the number of notifications as now "99+" (in 'Red').
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I see you are the only moderator who has taken part in this conversation - I wonder if it has been escalated to someone who can deal with this annoying issue?
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Yesterday was a nightmare! I received over 500 emails on two discussions I have never participated in. Yes, it took about two hours to remove all of them from my devices and my online email this morning.
What is causing this?
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When I got up this morning, I only had two new of these e-mails and was hopeful the update to the FamilySearch Blog comment system that is apparently causing this was about done. Just checked again and over the past four hours I have gotten 1,694 more e-mails for a total so far of 2647.
This has gone from mildly concerning, to somewhat ridiculous, to flat out hilarious.
I'm going to keep this event in mind and point to it as a cautionary tale whenever someone posts a request on the lines of "Why can't FamilySearch just throw together a little routine and fix ....... " in Family Tree or one of their databases. Unintended consequences are always a risk.
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Would you please let us know what is going on here! I want to be kept informed of new additions to threads in which I am participating, but not about the items on the Blog.
The situation is truly out of hand and we need a clear way (say in the Q&A - Community section header) of being updated on the current position, when situations like this occur.
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It is STILL happening ...
It is now just after 0600 Hour (6:00 am) my Local Time (UTC +10).
I just received on:
(1) My "Mobile" Phone, MANY, 'Chimes', indicating NEW "E-mails"; and,
(2) On my Computer; as, I am working in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, the same amount of "Notifications", appearing, also 'Flashing-Up', from the 'Bottom-left-hand-corner' of the screen/page, while I was in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; plus, not to mention the ("Notifications") 'Bell' (in the Forum), with the number of notifications as now "99+" (in 'Red').
I just FINISHED "Clearing" ALL the 'Wayward' PREVIOUS "E-mail" from the TRANFER of the BLOG to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
And, I just FINISHED "Clearing" ALL the "Notifications" in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, from the TRANFER of the BLOG to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
NOW ...
I have to do it ALL over again ...
This TRANFER of the BLOG to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, WAS; and, STILL, is a CATASTROPHE.
PLEAS; Please; please ...
Make it STOP ...
'FamilySearch' NEEDS to CEASE and DISIST, until they work out how to STOP sending out both, those "E-mails"; and, those "Notifications" (in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum).
And, those "Notifications", appearing, 'Flashing-Up', from the 'Bottom-left-hand-corner' of the screen/page, CONTINUE; as, I type this post, in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
It is almost CRASHING the "E-mail" Client I use,
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Hi @Brett . - I sent a DM asking for confirmation that this is still occurring (just want to be sure), and pinged our dev team, alerting them that this issue was still occurring and requesting a pause until the issue is sorted out.
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@Brett . This has been paused. We'll work on a solution to the issue before resuming.
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I apologise for my belated response ...
I have been, 'out of action', for a couple of Hours ...
I have responded to you 'Message'.
The MASS of BOTH, (Direct) "E-mails"; and, "Notifications" (within the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum), appear to have CEASED (at least, ABATED), for now.
'THANK YOU'; 'Thank You': 'thank you' ...
Hopefully, the NIGHTMARE, will NOT, 'rear its ugly head again', in the future, whatsoever, on the "Transfer", of the 'FamilySearch' "Blog" Articles (and, their associated "Comments"), to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
We can only but hope ...
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@Mark McLemore Thank you for your response and hopefully this issue has been resolved. As a precaution I have changed my email notifications in my profile.
This might be an option for Paul W and any others who might be experiencing this issue.
Now I just need to deal with 652 questions marked as spam. It seems that the bot marked Akismet (This is a system account and does not represent a real person) needs to be reprogrammed as most of the questions in the 652 spam queue seem to be legitimate questions.
Unless I'm mistaken there are going to be 652 questions added to the groups, (as I change them to not spam) as they don't seem to go into the unanswered questions.
While we are on the subject of unanswered questions some of them (unanswered questions) seem to have been answered and need to be removed so we don't keep going over and over them.
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Just a passing thought ...
One, possible; and, quick, "FIX", may be, to ADD, the (NEW) "Category" of the 'FamilySearch" "Blog", to the "Notification Preferences", in OUR "Profile".
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Thanks! The emails have stopped. 🤗
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Hey @Brett . - thanks for the suggestion. I'll review with the team.