Temple Reservation List
My problem is with the ability to print off names on the temple reservation list. The ability to print names is limited to one page. I need to be able to print names from page to page. This wastes paper having to print a card and then another card on another page and so on. We need the ability to keep the check marks from page to page.
Welcome to the "Community.Familysearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
You are not alone ...
The problem/issue, has ALREADY been raised on NUMBEROUS occasions in the various iterations of the "Idea" ('Feedback') Forum, in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, since the "Change"; being, the addition of "Pages", to the ("Temple") "Reservations" Lists, rather than the "Continuous" list, last year.
Unfortunately, the problem/issue, DOES NOT appear to either,
(1) worthy of consideration; or,
(2) most than likely, 'doable' (ie. be able to be addressed/fixed)
As, there has been NO response from any "Official 'FamilySearch' Representative" on the matter.
Here is a list of, just some, of the PREVIOUS post on the matter ...
17 July 2020
A post by me ...
Whereas, unfortunately, I can NO NLOGER locate that post of mine.
But, the "Details" of this post of mine, appear in the 'Comments', in the following post.
8 August 2020
Problems with new temple My Reservations page
21 April 2021
Printing from Reservations List
30 July 2021
Temple Ordinance Cards
I just want you to be made aware, that there are MANY (Member) Users/Patrons who are experiencing the same problem/issue; and, HAVE raised the matter previously.
I know that this does not help; but, I hope that this gives you some perspective.
We can only; but, live in hope ... that 'FamilySearch' DOES take our concerns into consideration.
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@charlenebellheslop1 We apologize if we have misunderstood you concern about wasting paper. 3 Family Ordinances cards may be printed on a single sheet of paper, and up to 45 names may be selected at one time . The reason for the error message is this image was created from your beta site.. beta.familysearch.org.
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@NidaFL they do print 3 to a page, but only if your selections are from the same page on your reserve list.