Icons in upper right

tell me . . . .
is the drooping question mark on top of the magnifying glass - by design - or by flaw?
I too am having the same issue, could be a "bug"
I also could not see the sign in options, even after clearing cache and cookies and changing browsers and shutting down, the only way I could sign in was to click on a question, then I could see the sign in option.
So hopefully it will be corrected at some point.
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FYI - There was a scheduled maintenance planned on the community platform today from 9am-4pm MST. No impact to functionality is expected, just a heads up that there is work being done on the backend. (*) This may be the problem, I am taking a wait and see attitude. I will look tomorrow and see if it is improved.
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'Yes', 'Julie' and I, noted same, such was referenced, in the post posted a couple of Hours before you.
WHAT is WRONG, with the "Ideas" Section. ALL 'Topics' = NOTHING, they are ALL 'Blank', NO 'Posts'!?