A Question (not mine) in Family History Centers closed. In my view unhelpful.

I have an interest in Affiliate Libraries so read the post
How can we tell if our affiliate library is connected correctly?
The "mod" referred to some Help Center articles. I was doubtful if the Help Centre articles would really address the question which had originally been posted so I went to the Help Center (as instructed) and searched for the first " What are the image restrictions in Historical Records?"
The first time I searched this I got some sort of statement Page obsolete (or some other wording meaning non available). The 2nd time I searched I got How do I download historical record images? https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/how-do-i-download-historical-record-images
This does NOT cover what the original question asked.
I think it a BAD MANAGEMENT DECISION that I cannot make a comment on the original post. I think "mod" comment could have been more targeted in the response and address the question actually asked.
@N Tychonievich , perhaps may be able to refer on the post linked above re Affiliate Libraries Q and A.
Access to records on line and FHC
Family History CentresEffective immediately, limited access collections will be temporary unavailable in family History Centres for critical maintenance and updates. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding. We will let you know when access is re-established.
This means that limited access Historical records collections will not be available to anyone during this period.
There is no date yet when this service will be available.
The Family History Library staff will have the ability to search limited access collections during this period and can offer patron assistance. You are able to access this help by going to the Research Wiki, and in the search box, typing : FHL and choosing Lookup Services from the dropdown. You will see the following message:
The Family History Library is offering lookup services to our film and book collection for those that are unable to come to Salt Lake City. Click here to fill out a request.
Before making a request, make sure you have the following information:
Films/Digital Folders (DGS)
• Film Number and/or DGS Number
• Image Number
• Name(s) on the Record
*Films will need to be indexed in order for the information above to be available
• Full Title
• Author
• Info Needed (Title Page, Index, Entire Book)
Trust this answers your question
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The original question posted, to which I referred above, was How can we tell if our affiliate library is connected correctly?
The person posting the original question was from an Affiliate Library, which is different to a Family History Center. The reply from
@SylviaSteny1 , unfortunately is not relevant.
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Not sure if this is helpful, but there is a group for Family History Centre technical support in North America. Perhaps you could request to join that group and ask any questions you have there?
Please ignore my response if it is not helpful.
Thank you
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For an Affiliate Library to know if they are connected,would be to see if a film that has restrictions on it ,the format camera with key , is viewable in their organization. The custodian of the records determines what restrictions are put on an image. but the restriction of a limited access collection image viewable in a FHC or AL would be what the AL patron would want to see. If other restrictions exist on that image then a post in the "Search" area of Community which is Historical records would be in order to obtain help with that film image.
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The two posts above may possibly help the originator off the now (and still) closed) topic How can we tell if our affiliate library is connected correctly?
However, there is no indication that that the originator of the topic has been sent this information, so I am copying him in
I say to Tom, that in respect of the post above by Carol Pountain , In order to "see if a film that has restrictions on it" you need to go to the Catalog Search https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog , enter the microfilm number in the Search, locate the catalogue entry for that film, click on the camera icon, and see what restrictions are advised for a film. If the film is viewable at an Affiliate Library this will be stated. If such wording does not appear it is not viewable at an Affiliate Library.
If the film is viewable at an Affiliate Library and your Library cannot see it, then it is a Technical problem. and the post from Orr, Rosemary is relevant.
@Mark McLemore re Family Search Community issues re closed post.
@N Tychonievich re Affiliate Library issues
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I received a private message which may, or may not be relevant to Tom who posed this question in the now closed topic How can we tell if our affiliate library is connected correctly?
The private message included the wording
"If this is a question about affiliate libraries and how they connect, the librarian needs to call support and report a change in their new static IP address. This is when AL have the most problems, when their tech change the network and do not think to tell the librarians. If so, affiliate change form is needed."
@N Tychonievich re Affiliate Library issues