Please find a way to attach all individuals named in a record at the same time
Very often, a record such as a marriage has the names of both spouses plus their parents. The current version of this action allows the user to attach sources to one of the spouses and their parents, and one has to get out of the record, find the other spouse and attach their parents. That is tedious and time consuming.
The same happens in a census when some of the individuals listed in a household are in-laws or other indirect relatives.
Sometimes there is no way to attach the record to some people, at all, and the record does not show up as a hint for that person.
Given that you mentioned hints, I figure you're talking about indexed records. You can attach those to both sets of parents without leaving the Source Linker screen; you just have to change the focus person a few times. See @dontiknowyou's advice (with screenshots) in the thread about relationship sources:
As you can see further down in that thread, the situation is different for unindexed images, which don't use Source Linker. When attaching citations of marriage records and others such sources that encompass more than just one person's immediate relatives, FamilySearch's tools do indeed get rather tedious. However, they are still far, far better than any other genealogy site I have any experience with, because with judicious use of the Source Box, you don't need to keep re-inventing the wheel in order to cite your sources fully.
In my opinion, the best feature of FS's tools for citing unindexed data (either from FS or offsite) is the way that you can link source citations, so that editing a citation in one place fixes it everywhere that it's used. Unfortunately, this capability is not exactly made clear, and many people misinterpret it, considering it a flaw rather than a feature. (See for example
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Hello Italy1500
Source Linker; FamilySearch WIKI has a step by step instructions, with pictures.
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Changing the Focus person will allow you to attach the child's spouse and his or her parents. Click on the "Change" box on the right hand side of the page and scroll down to the bride or groom and click Change. Then attach their spouse . Then click on the change button again and scroll down to the spouse you just added and then click change again. Attach the parents at the top of the page and they are then all attached. Once that is done I usually go back to the page I started from and click refresh to keep working on that family because clicking on Go to Record will take me too far afield. This method makes attaching those unattached people at the bottom of the record much easier.