Unanswered Questions Filtering by Q and A topic would be very useful
For those of us with specific areas of responsibility for moderating and answering questions, it would be very useful if the "Unanswered Questions" filter could be refined to focus within a specific "bucket" in Q&A. It is a bit confusing--not to say surprising--to be working within a Q&A area and find that the "Unanswered Questions" search returns all of the questions for the site that have no answers--even those that have been moved to escalation and closed because they are getting special handling. So, a filter that confines itself to the Q&A area being worked and that does not return closed cases would be most appreciated.
The other surprising feature is that a site wide feature can only be accessed from the gear icon on a specific question. Shouldn't site-wide filters be displayed at the site level--along with language selection and the help circle? Congruent with that User Interface design expectation, any filter for a Q&A specialty area should be displayed in the header for the specialty.
In addition to improving the filtering specificity, a process change for moderators who are taking questions for escalation would be helpful. To make it clear that the question is being handled, I would suggest that the moderator who is escalating the question or the missionary who is answering the question do this before moving it to an escalated "bucket:"
Post a response informing that the question has been moved to another area for handling and mark that response as an accepted answer.
Then move the question to the escalated area.
The result of this process improvement will be twofold:
- When a missionary takes the case for resolution and closes it, it will be clear to the guests and other moderators that it is not being left unanswered.
- It will no longer show up in the filter for someone searching for unanswered questions to handle.