Discussion List
Search census by occupationHi to all, I would like to know if there is a way to search inside a census by occupation. I´ve tr…
5Sort and filter "Recommended Tasks" listA sort and filter feature on this section would encourage me to attach more sources. I enjoy review…
1More Search FiltersI did a quick search for someone by clicking "FamilySearch" under the Search Records sect…
0Easier way to clear or reset the filter function.Is there a way that whenever there is a filter available, that there be an x or something similar b…Active Closed bonniebishopbrooks 135 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by bonniebishopbrooks Suggest an Idea
3Latest Changes> Relationship FiltersWhat are you trying to accomplish? Why? Easier RESTORE/removal of incorrectly attached relationship…
2printing ordinance cardsI'd like to see these capabilities to print ordinance cards: With filtering it would be wonderful …new Closed david thorgalsen 254 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by rosaleawoodcott1 Suggest an Idea
2Temple: Family Group Lists - Suggestions1) Please add the number of names in the family groups, next to each family group like there is for…Active Closed Julie Melville Hite 250 views 0 comments 2 points Started by Julie Melville Hite Suggest an Idea
2We need a change log filter for added and deleted relationshipsThere's a few older profiles I watch where the person's parents are unknown. but people still come …
3allow for multiple filter keys in a single sort on the my temple reservation page filtersCurrently I can only sort on one key at a time on the my temple reservation filters. For example, I…new Closed Jay Bosshardt 222 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Julie Melville Hite Suggest an Idea