Problem After Attaching Source(s)
There appears to be a problem after sources are attached to individuals. Getting the message "unfinished attachments". When you click on the link the source is attached to all individuals listed. This has been going on all day today.
Anna Louise Anderson
26 March 1849 – 20 August 1936
FamilySearch is showing the comment about unfinished attachments for every source attached, even those attached previously.
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Yes, and I work on sources that are not finished attaching all the individuals in a family. PLEASE FIX.
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Please fix.
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'Yes' ...
The Problem/Issue was ALSO raised, a number of Hours, after your post, in another "Topic", in the "Ideas" Section:
Home > Ideas > General User Interface
Sources Page in Family Tree Now Always Shows Unfinished Attachments
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All sources are showing as having "Unfinished Attachments". Very annoying. Please FIX, ASAP.
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As I stated in the other discussion thread, the problem appears to have been fixed.