Again: An alternative to a blind 20 minute log-out approach.
This was proposed three years ago; I'm reviving it because the aggressive logout is aggravating.
"Chuckie King said: Currently I check Family Tree to stay logged in for 2 weeks. I go away for a few hours. Come back and it still has my name at the top as though I am still logged in. Try to find a person using the PID. FT says no results found. It says this even while displaying my name at upper right, which should indicate that I am logged in. But it is deceiving me;the system has (evidently) logged me out, since when I do refresh the screen, it will find the person. Please ... if the system is going to log me out, let it do so and ask me to log back in. If it is NOT going to log me out, as appears to be the case, then you guys refresh the screen without having to make us do it, and stumble around until we figure out the workaround -- as should be the case anyway (an action initiated should logically do the "refresh" itself, we should not have to search, then refresh to get the thing to work). This is related to but separate from the 'stay logged in for two weeks' thread. FSSupport says they have this problem also, see Re: Case 00838759: Improper system logout or stall [ ref:_00D301b00H._50030Vv2gx:ref ]"
As far as I can tell, every single website on the internet where I have some kind of an account that has a timeout on it always will either throw up a warning message or a logged out screen (or both)…
EXCEPT my FamilySearch account.
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Short Answer: 'FamilySearch' has ALREADY addressed that to some degree ...
I have noticed that ... Nowadays ...
IF, you have not done any 'Work' on a page/screen for some time (and, that nonactivity can often be longer than 20 Minutes, sometimes up to an Hour or more, depending on how "Busy" the "System" is, I have noticed); THEN, when you select something (ie. anything) on that page/screen the WHOLE page/screen "Refreshes" - checking to ensue that you have that option to "Keep me signed in for 2 weeks" as 'Checked'; and, if you have, immediately enabling to 'Work' in that page/screen; BEFORE, you get to do anything, again.
Whereas ...
IF, you DO NOT have that option to "Keep me signed in for 2 weeks" as 'Checked"; THEN, you are "Required" to "Log In" to 'FamilySearch'; BEFORE, you get to do anything, again.
That "Time Out" is NOT aggressive ...
That "Time out" IS REASONABLE ...
Many Users/Patrons DO NOT realise that, when they have "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' OPEN; and, are NOT doing anything for an extended period of time (even 20 Minutes), that they are INADVERTENTLY 'Hogging' the "System"; and, most likely, SLOWING the "System" DOWM for other Users/Patrons.
I am well aware that the aforementioned would not be intentional ...
But, many Users/Patrons also DO NOT realise that, "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; and, the OTHER Parts of 'FamilySearch', is/are used 24/7, by countless Users/Patrons, from ALL around the World.
The "Strain" on 'FamilySearch' must be enormous ...
And, being "Logged In"; and, NOT doing anything for an extended period of time, ONLY adds to that "Strain" ...
Hence, the "Time Out" ...
Now ...
That said ...
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
Why did my session time out?
Where is states (among other things):
A message on sign in about your session timing out appears in the following situations:
- The FamilySearch sign-in page has been idle for more than an hour.
- Your FamilySearch favorite or bookmark is causing a problem.
- The time or date on the device you are using is incorrect.
Just my thoughts.
I know that this does not help; but, I hope it gives some perspective.
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I was about to add something along the lines of Jeff's comments. The FamilySearch website does not just seem to be unusual in the way it treats being "logged-out", but unique!
I fall for the "trick" regularly - no warning I'm no longer logged-in, which leads to any "follow on" work being lost and my time completely wasted. A warning message is an enhancement crying out to be implemented.
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That is interesting because in many ways, the FSFT *IS* unique and has its own unique requirements. Unfortunately I find that frequently items that should be treated the same across the industry are unique (and different) in the FS website. And on the other hand, there are areas of the FSFT that are peculiar to the specific needs of the FSFT alone where they try to implement things in the same way they are done in other sites without understanding the actual differences.
An example of the latter is the social media term of "following". Not too long ago, it was used to replace the term "watching" in the FSFT because it was assumed to be more "intuitive". And yet the true meaning of what it does in the FSFT is nothing at all like what the term means in all other social media areas.