After I enter all dob, places etc and always refresh, it wipes out so when I re-enter it all shows
Tom Huber said: Welcome to the community-powered public feedback forum for FamilySearch. FamilySearch personnel read every discussion thread and may or may not respond as their time permits. We all share an active interest in using the resources of this site and as users, we have various levels of knowledge and experience and do our best to help each other with concerns, issues, and/or questions.
Where are you entering the data? Are you pressing save, or refreshing the screen before you press save?
If it is from the source linker and you are updating the Add person fields, that is the way they've behaved for a long time -- the fields are not updated no matter what you do. I opened a discussion back when I first saw what was happening, but as far as I know, that is an issue that has not been resolved.
If you are manually adding the information, press save, otherwise what you've added is lost. Save is the key.
If you are doing something else, we need a better description of what you are doing and where you are doing it.0
This discussion has been closed.