Why is "Previous Version" irreversible?????
I was using the new Gallery and learning several things about it. But then I saw something that seemed to be missing, so I decided to take a quick look at the previous version to see if I was right.
Now I see in "How to use the Gallery" that once you select the "Previous Version" option, "you will not have access to the new Gallery until the new Gallery has been released to all users."
Who thought that that was a reasonable way for "Previous Version" to work? There is no warning that "Previous Version" would be a permanent decision. That's an exceedingly poor user experience.
Is that really true? Is there no clearing of cookies or cache or anything else that can restore my access to the new Gallery?
Note that the setting that tries to stick me with the previous version doesn't work very well; when I do various things, I see the new version. But then when I do much at all, I am forced back to the previous version. It's quite a mess.