Memory Feedback
⭐️Note: This space is only for posts related to feedback for the Memory Viewer and the Memory Uploader. Please refrain from posting questions that are unrelated to this topic. ⭐️
FamilySearch has updated many of the Memory features. See links below for information on the specific product updates.
👉️Before you comment, please review the following:👇️
- Memory Viewer | How to use the Memory Viewer | Known Issues
- Memory Uploader | How to use the Memory Uploader | Known Issues
As you create a new Discussion, select the down arrow, and then "Ask a Question". To allow the engineers to recreate the issue, please copy the URL showing the page with the issue, and paste the hyperlink (without pressing the enter key) in the comments. Include screenshots if possible and indicate your computer and browser info as a part of your report.
We truly appreciate your feedback.
Owner: Stephanie V.Leaders: Stephanie V., American Family Historian, AnneLoForteWillson, Marc Jensen, AmberML1, Ashlee C.Created on March 14, 202498 membersPrivacy: Public
"How to use the Memory Uploader" GuideFamilySearch has updated the process for uploading Memories in the FamilySearch Tree. Users will n…
Known Issues - Memory UploaderKnown Issues for Memory Uploader Post Date Uploading Memories has changed. See these updates. 1…
Known Issues - Memory ViewerLink for the "How to use the Memory Viewer" Guide. Known Issues for Memory Viewer Post …
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