Famous Relatives: Marking Famous people
- What are you trying to accomplish? Why?
Family wants to know how they relate to famous people. A lot of famous people are not marked as famous and does not come up in relations to the "Activities: Famous Relatives:
Below the South African list of famous South Africans, but they are not marked as such.
- What is the challenge or roadblock you are encountering?
Would like to be able to show family that they are related to famous members, but these people are not marked.
- What is your idea?
A section in Activities: Famous relations to added famous people in history that would come up in the Famous relations
Would like the ability to add Famous relations to the list show
or the ability to mark people as famous
or the use of wiki list to mark people as famous
- How would solving this challenge improve your experience?"
People and family wants to see how they are related to famous people.
Adding a list of famous people in history of country...?? at the bottom of the list of Famous People
See below an Rachel de Beer:
Yet she is not show as famous person
This will help get them interested if they can be showed.
As most are not marked as famous, it means i have to go and look for the famous person to show how we are related.
PS: may also suggest to wiki to add familysearch.org to their famous people that bring a person the the family tree of that famous person 😁