Famous relatives
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Why are only the famous relatives of my paternal line showing up?Family Activities - Famous Relatives - is very fun and interesting, but I noticed that nothing show…
Why were several people removed from my Famous Relatives list?When I first investigated my Famous Relative list, I noticed that John F. Kennedy, Marie Antoinette…Answered Closed AnnaDaugherty 2.7K views 35 comments 0 points Most recent by MandyShaw1 General Questions
Why on Famous Relatives only people that I'm related through my dad's side show up and not my mom's?I have gone through all of the people and not one is through my mom. Even the new ones that show up…Answered Closed Chelsea9005 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Amy Archibald General Questions
This is not a question , but a compliment.I have been using FamilySearch online since about 1998. Before that I was doing what everyone else…Answered Becky Johnson_12 331 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by WKathleenM4 FamilySearch Center
Famous RelativesIs there a way to look at my spouse's famous relatives without creating a separate account for him?Answered Closed MeaganMize 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
Find other's Famous RelativesI love the idea!! Is there a way to have it work my husbands family? Or is it just for the main per…Answered Closed Catweb1435 613 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by Dennis J Yancey General Questions