Error trying to Correct a Date

Image , left-hand page, first full entry on the page. Ran across it while trying to find another record.
Christening date indexed as 18 November 1770, should be 18 November 1779.
I open the Record, .
I click Edit, get a different view of the source image, .
I click the pencil icon, and I get the error-message "Oops, something went wrong. / Please refresh the page."
I've tried refreshing the page, several times. It doesn't help.
Using up-to-date Chrome on Windows 10.
I've said before that the new index editor keeps coming up with new and better ways to mess up. This is the first time I've seen this one.
It gives the same error for me. (Win10, Firefox current.)
Both of the back arrows (the browser's and the viewer title bar's) go to the index detail page rather than the editor/viewer.
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I also encountered the same error when I checked this one last night. Also Windows 10, Firefox, fully updated on both.
@Stephanie V. Any news on the group covering the Edit-Everything tool? Thanks.
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I also tried using Firefox ESR on RedHat Enterprise Linux 8, basically the same error.
(Message is actually "¡Vaya!, algo ha salido mal. / Por favor, actualiza la página.", because I have a browser preference of Spanish localization.)
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I have added this one to the list of things to be looked at. Thanks.
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I'm going to be the squeaky wheel here and bump this thread for attention. I ask again, is there any hope ever of having a group where we can talk with the engineers/developers on the new image viewer/edit
everythingnothing tool?I spent over 45 minutes this afternoon attempting to be a good citizen archivist and correct an indexing error on a birth certificate. Surname was indexed as Danow but it's Darrow. Yes, I found the record I needed, but I wanted to make it easier for the next person. The viewer/tool absolutely would not allow me to make the corrections. Firefox sent me messages that this page (the viewer) was slowing down FF and did I want to close it. Chrome wouldn't even open it.
I left feedback and my email address. I hope I get a reply. Absolutely not the best use of a researcher's time!
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile Being able to provide feedback through the feedback button is the way you can talk to engineers. They get those messages directly - no filter. However, you aren't likely to hear from them unless they need more info. I will follow-up with them though. We really do rely on our power users to help us make things better and we are grateful that you want to correct things and help others. If I don't get back to you, squeak again. 😉
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Good morning @Sam Sulser
The new viewer/tool has been around for many months, and it still doesn't work. It was released long before it was ready for prime time. I certainly hope there is an engineer assigned to the project.
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Good Morning @Áine Ní Donnghaile! Yes there is a team working on that tool. I hear you! I've experienced issues myself. One thing that is really good is just the fact that they have the feedback button on that page. That definitely means they are wanting to hear from you and they are listening. Sending you a PM.
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Hey guys, I'm following up on this issue. Does anyone still get the Oops something went wrong error when trying to edit indexed records? If you have a current example, please post it. Sam 🙂
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EDIT - since my first sentence no longer makes sense with the thread reopened and my post moved.
Honestly, I've stopped trying to edit because it's been nearly impossible. I think I have better things to do with my time than wait 8 minutes or longer (yes, I've timed it) for an image to display and then find that the edit function does not work once the image is visible.
I tried a few days ago, while at my FSC, to edit a restricted NYC marriage record, and could not make any edits although the edit function was active/visible (not grayed out). The marriage took place in 1870, but the index shows 1890. -
@Áine Ní Donnghaile the next time you are in the FSC would you grab a few screenshots that show the visible edit button but no ability to edit?
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@Sam Sulser I already took them when I was there. Sadly, we still can't share screenshots here.
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We have a workaround that you can use or you can send me a PM with them.
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@Sam Sulser Today I opened the record for María Josefa ( that started this thread and noted that her christening date had been corrected. I was able to make another trivial edit and save it.
I was also able to make more substantial edits on another film that had given me trouble before, DGS #004231461 for Toluca, State of Mexico, Mexico.
So maybe it's fixed? But the problem was always intermittent, seeming to only occur on certain films, or certain fields, or based on some other factor, so I'm hesitant to say that for sure.
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@davidleelambert I'm so glad to hear that! I know they have been working on this. Being able to edit is super important! Keep reporting issues. Use the feedback button if there is one on the page you are on or report here.
Sam 😊
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you can send me a PM with them.
PMs also do not allow screenshots.
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile
Do you see this note when you hover over Edit?0 -
I'm not at my FSC today, so I can't confirm. I was certainly able to ACCESS the Edit process when I was at my FSC a few days ago, but the incorrect date of the record was not available for an edit.
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@Sam Sulser I visited my FSC this morning to verify.
The Edit option IS available while at the FSC, but it is still impossible to correct the date of the marriage.There are 132 index entries on that DGS showing a marriage date from 1890 while the catalog clearly shows that the film only covers marriages through 1870. Because the ages of the bride and groom are extrapolated, based on age at marriage, all the resulting years of birth are also incorrect, by 20 years. None of those can be corrected.
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I've spent some time looking into the specific issue you brought up and working with a few folks here. There are 2 issues and we are working to deal with both of them. As with everything, I don't know how long either will take. There is a large backlog on record corrections and since we as users can't edit the page you provided, it has to be done by a special team. I submitted that request and will follow it until it is completed. The other issue we believe to be a system issue dealing with why we can't edit the marriage information. That is a separate request, but I will follow that one as well. Maybe this one will be fixed and then we can correct the index 😏. Thanks for sharing the issue. Let's hope for a quick turnaround!
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@Sam Sulser Thank you for the follow-up.
I have to say, we really need a better process for reporting errors.
Let's hope we get a quick turnaround and a better way going forward.
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile I agree! My team is working on what we can within the community so keep reporting here. We've been trying to create better processes when you guys bring something up. We've gotten it better and are refining. Our desire is to catch the issues and report them faster and then get back you as quickly as possible. I don't know if you have noticed any improvement but I hope so. We want this to be better.
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I periodically check some of the problems I've reported, but, so far, those problems are not fixed.