What does this abbreviation mean?
I could really use someone's help in translating this Swedish baptism record. There is an abbreviation after the name I do not understand. I assume it means illegitimate. The record comes from this link. https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/31143755:61584?_phsrc=WsA153&_phstart=successSource&gsln=Skowbo&ml_rpos=3&queryId=8b5bcb3ffaf5512acaabe0d4b14888c7
I've attached a copy with a red arrow pointing to the abbreviation/word. Thank you for your help.
Best Answer
@Suzan Bates I believe you are correct.
Swedish Genealogical Word List located on FamilySearch Wiki
@Suzan Bates Your link goes to a marriage record for a man born about 1901, not a baptism. Your image is a baptism from 1887.
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Here is the link again. It is a baptism
Thank you for your help.
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And the Ancestry share link for the benefit of those who do not have a subscription, although the share does not work as well as it once did: https://www.ancestry.com/sharing/7613541?mark=7b22746f6b656e223a22734a754965464c4e4d7a484d665254426363352b664b452f7832576e386a3668786f4d6d52736552554b6f3d222c22746f6b656e5f76657273696f6e223a225632227d
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Thank you so much for your kindness. I will return the favor and pay it forward