Latest Changes> Relationship Filters
What are you trying to accomplish? Why?
Easier RESTORE/removal of incorrectly attached relationships. Why? because I think it should be as easy to RESTORE/remove incorrect relationships and related changes as it was to create them.
What is the challenge or roadblock you are encountering?
The Latest Changes Relationship filters do not allow general/inclusive selection of Couple Relationships or Parent-Child Relationships - they only allow for singular/specific relationships to be filtered. In other words - I can't see all relationships together in a list - I have to select each individual filter separately and browse through them separately.
What is your idea?
Either allow for Couple Relationships/Parent-Child Relationships group filters or multiple filters to be selected.
How would solving this challenge improve your experience?
I can then browse through one list of Relationships rather than having separate filter lists to select separately and browse through.