Revamp n update discovery center
I sent an email to the center today expressing my gratitude and also my dissatisfaction and disappointment.
Please know it has nothing to do with you at all. As I did express my complete delight with how very warm you were to the girls and said some very uplifting words n message to them. You saved the day.
But I also asked if they were aware of how poorly the discovery center was functioning. It was a huge disappointment to me. I love the center, & wanted to share my enthusiasm with the girls in hopes that they might catch the spirit of Elijah & of gathering Israel.
Even the missionary never showed up. We tried 3 different devices & none worked. Each device we were handed (3), did not work…but also it was the way the brother at the desk handed them to us, he wasn’t very interested in our frustration n wasn’t helpful at all
I even had called in advance to this brother at the desk to ask if it would be appropriate for me to bring my granddaughters. He encouraged me to bring them to the discovery center. Yet each devise we tried was not prepared. even though he knew we were coming
This is not new. This has happened before to me in the discovery center n in the other areas such as the area where different formats of photos are transferred onto a thumb drive.
A couple weeks ago my friend noticed a part necessary to make that system work was worn out, n soon to break. She told someone. No one did anything and sure enough it broke the following week while she was using it.
This is very frustrating when I have praised the center that it is a state of the art system. We have equipment that no one else in the world has. This is a representation of the church, it should work & it should be excellent
I really don’t believe the Lord means for this facility to be a vehicle to test our faith n patience. I believe the Lord wants it to function properly.
Today I asked about another room, I was told it wasn’t working & the person in there was just using it as an office???!
I also went to the recording room n was told that didn’t seem to be working either.
Each way we turned something wasn’t working. We also docked the device on the port but nothing worked. The children were completely bored as I was frustrated.
Again this is not directed at you at all. When the Prophet is asking the youth to be gathering Israel, & turning their hearts to their Fathers, & experience what I did today this is very counter productive.
Will you help me make the powers at be understand what is happening. What do you recommend? What can I do to get the whole center in tip top working condition?
I am happy to come in and chat with someone & will gladly help in anyway I can to get the center updated. This cannot keep happening to our members and our children do you agree? I’m reaching out to you or anyone there truly n honestly for help and a solution.
Thank you, thank you for listening…I hope I’m not coming across negatively, I just really want the center to function much much better.
Your Colleague & friend, Theresa Humphreys
@Theresavhumphreys Buenas noches,
Quiero agradecer tu comentario , muestras tus deseos de poder ayudar en ese Centro de Familysearch, que parece no está funcionando bien .
En primer lugar me gustaría saber de dónde eres , para poder canalizar la ayuda. Tenemos equipos de soporte para Centros de Familysearch y es necesario que estos temas llegan directamente a los equipos de soporte que están ayudando en las diferentes áreas.
Quedo a la espera de información para que definitivamente puedas disfrutar de ese centro de familysearch creado para un fin hermoso.
Con aprecio Sara