Print function - BUG REPORT
I print to pdf for records I want to save. Your print function in useless. The record shows clearly on the screen but the print function scrambles the information making it worthless.
Unable to Print a search record information page - Everything is split up or mixed in record information and only prints on half a page or several pages with information split-up. Multiple similar records have the same tree attached -Only one would do because if you go to one "attached to tree' -all the sources are in the person page. 'Other person on this record' is mixed in record information column (which should be in one column and not be split between 2 columns with '1 digit' put on page 2, Some items print over each other. Spacing is too wide and font could be smaller. 'Image box could be smaller - you can't read it until you go to the document image. Footer should be on bottom of all pages. Control 'P' should show 'full screen page'- Print setting selection -I Like this - if it doesn't mess everything else up on the printed page. Old Family Search worked fine.
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When printing a individual results record for an individual, how about making the citation information print AT THE BOTTOM of the record instead on the LEFT MARGIN side where it bleeds into the actual record information.. This happens in several different places other than marriage record results. Attached is an example what the results look like when choosing only the Cite the Record setting is chosen.
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What exactly are you printing?
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AnneLoForteWillson -
Any HISTORICAL RECORD of an Individual's Indexed Information pages (NOT THE IMAGES)
The whole page is mixed up and confusing
The menu line at the top needs to be removed
PDF copies the same way -undecipherable
Copy Full Record is also messed up
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Thank you all! I see what you are dealing with. I had never printed records (I work digitally!) so I have never seen this. I will forward to the correct department to see what they can do to fix this.
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When I print a document the result is very different from the version on the screen. The new printed version is cluttered and hard to read compared the the screen version and the old printed version. Is there any way to revert to the old system? Or to get a printout of the screen version? Also it seems the loading time to print out a document has increased substantially.
Thanks for everything you do to make FamilySearch the great platform it is! Best wishes for the new year!🙂
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Could you please clarify what you mean by "print a document"?
Are you talking about the various options on the Print menu for a person (Person Details, Pedigree, Fan Chart, etc.)? I'm not seeing any significant difference, except that there is a new option for printing Person Details.
Or are you talking about printing a memory of type document? I don't know of any way to do that within FamilySearch, so I'm not sure what would be different there.
Or something else?
It would help if you could more specifically describe the steps you are taking to "print a document."
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Having same problem! Martha Jensen in entry for Johan Kristian Andersen, "Norway Marriages, 1660-1926" • FamilySearch (all options selected)
Print Options for Historical Records is really messed up.
PDF and Print Screen are also messed up
Historical Record 'Document' (NOT the image)
Too many columns with the historical records information (and words or dates) split into columns with other information in between, -words overlap, -'Other People on this Record' is mixed into the historical record information (this should be separately listed at the bottom if a person selects that print option)
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KSD describes the problem exactly. Also, could you explain why it takes so long now to print documents? Could it be my computer or is everyone experiencing this?
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I just tried to print the record KSD mentioned. When I have my browser window big enough for three columns (Image Unavailable, Name Martha Jensen, and Attached in Family Tree to) the print preview and pdf save look like this.
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When I have the window smaller and only two columns (Name Martha Jensesn, Image Unavailable) it looks like this
Neither option offers a great printout. There are overlaps and it is confusing either way. I personally don't print the records I search so I do not know if this is new.
I will see who I can get to look into this. Maile 🤨
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When I printed a pdf or on paper, I used to be able to print a webpage and the format of the contents was similar to what was shown on the screen. Very easy to read. Now, with a new computer, I get 4 narrow columns of text, making the document (pdf or printed) very hard to read. What has changed or what settings do I need to change. This is so very odd.
Thanks in advance
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I have described the same issue in my previous post that MaileLoveland has shown in her post. Something in the Familysearch webpage settings has changed and needs an urgent fix. This is not something that has previously occurred - webpages such as shown by MaileLoveland used to print as they appeared (or close to it) on the screen, and were very readable. These obviously are not.
Hope this can be fixed soon
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Re printouts of data on screen: Almost more annoying than the new odd way data screens are now printed, as you and others have described, is the about two minutes it takes to print anything, as I mentioned in my first message. Have you observed this also? Worse, If I make the smallest change in printing directions, such as in the margins for example, it takes another two minutes before I can print out the document. This slows down research to a crawl for those of us who who are old-fashioned (like me - I'm 89) and addicted to keeping hard copies of all family records!
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It looks like this may be more of a browser issue than a FamilySearch issue. What operating system versions and browser versions are everyone using? It may be that FamilySearch had to update their printing system to still work with the browser versions they support and you have to update your browsers. Or it may be the browsers were updated, if you are all using the current versions, and FamilySearch has not had the opportunity update their system for the new borwsers.
Using MacOS 13.1 and Safari 16.2, being on a record page and using the browser print command works quite well:
The top banner isn't great, but the body of the record prints just like it is on the screen.
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Windows 10, Firefox 108.0.2 (64-bit), both fully updated, and Take Screenshot, save full page:
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Windows 10 and Chrome 108.0.5359.125 (32-bit) or Edge 108.0.1462.76 (64-bit). All are updated.
My pictures above are the result whether I choose "Print Record" from the Save button or type Ctrl+P.
@JosephEigner @AMosk @K S D The only way I can get the printout to look like the screen is to snip the screen or hit "Print Screen" on my keyboard.
Another option could be to choose "Copy Full Record" in the Save options and paste that in a word document of some type. It did not populate the "Attached in Family Tree to" person with dates and ID. It also didn't bring any "Collection Information" from the header or the left side bar. You would have to copy and paste those on your own.
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@JosephEigner I have tested this on two different computers with two different browsers, saving it as a PDF or sending it to my printer wirelessly. In each occurrence, the time to populate the print preview was less than thirty seconds. I even made changes to what I wanted to print using the settings icon next to the Print Record option.
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I am using windows 11 - and the same issue is present on the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox. And the same issue is present on my wife's laptop running windows 10 with Chrome. When I get time to boot up my old windows 10 PC I will check on that. I think there is an issue with the historical documents. I don't have any issues saving or viewing a pdf of these posts for example. Also, latest Edge browser, also on Windows 11 has the same problem. It is not a browser issue. Anyone else on windows 11 with this issue?
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Further on this issue, I have checked out using my older PC which was actively used until September 1, 2022. I never had any issues with printing or saving pdf documents and now I do. So it is very clear to me that something has changed with the webpage design or settings for historical documents at Family Search. d It is definitely NOT browser related as 3 different updated browsers, Edge. Firefox and Chrome all gave the same garbled pdf or printed documents, and across both windows 10 and 11.
This needs to be addressed quickly by Family Search.
Does anyone have an idea of the exact date when this started? It might help them fix the problem.
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They were changing around the print layout in September and October then in mid-October they stopped leaving everything in columns which messed everything up.☹️
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I called Family search today, and spoke to a help desk person, who duplicated the problem on his computer. He escalated the issue with a high priority. I recommend others do the same.
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When you save a census dated before 1850, there isn't enough information to show the details of the census. I don't want to make a physical printed copy of the "view details" page, so I must print the entire page from my browser to save as a pdf document. This results in a jumbled mess that is hard to read unless you remember to switch from vertical to horizontal. That makes it better but not great. There is also an issue with the name separating to a separate page by itself.
Because that choice is on individual computers you might have to give us a choice of print from system's dialog like I do when I use the website browser to print to get to save as a pdf. This would be a great help in saving time and having a neater document and should then be a one page document to add to my source media as proof of my information. It would also eliminate the need to open the document to see all of the information. Thank you!
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Until recently, when I went to Print Record (after finding it under Save, which took a while after the redesign) I got a page which looked like what I saw on my screen. All of the information in one section was in lines long enough to make sense when I looked at the page.
Now I get a record in about 5 columns of really really short lines (sometimes only one word, or less) and reading it is a pain. I can't scan quickly and see what I need.
I have tried copy-pasting into another document, but it doesn't capture all of the information on the screen.
I use my hard copies for notes, sometimes marking up or highlighting the text of what I have printed to indicate next steps or a point which conflicts with other records. I also use them to remind me what I want to work on at a Family Search Center. They are a form of research log for me. I would like to have readable pages again.
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I agree that the print function is not a good one. I want to print the tree itself, which is a pretty basic thing to do, but it appears to not be possible. All I can figure to do here is to take a screen shot, put that into a power point type slide, and then trim and crop.
Also, it would be helpful to be able to print the tree with all the children shown, for all the families.
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There are some tree printing solutions/apps in the Solutions Gallery
The FamilySearch Fan Chart tree view also prints nicely:
As far as printing sources - yes this problem is known (in other Community posts) and being looked into. Perhaps contributing feedback to the New Person Pages group is the best place.
The New Person Page> Tools> Print options:
work well - but don't include printing of attached Sources currently (FGR with Sources will print citation but not the record/image).
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In May 2022 I researched and printed the summarized marriage record of Vincent Ellis and Dorothy Hartz at "New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1940"
I wanted to print another copy as I have made various notes on the one I have and wanted a "clean" one for my records. However, I am unable to print it now. I could not find a "button" that says "Print" and trying through my computer it wouldn't come up to print.
What's the secret?
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If you would like a copy of the full marriage record, instead of just the extract, it is available on the NYCRecords website. URL:
The print button is under the "Save" button, but the print option has not been working very well since the latest updates to the website. I tend to use a screenshot these days, if I need a record.
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Thank you for your quick response to my question. However I did try your suggestion "Print Record" under the save button and it didn't work. From your comment it appears that I am not the only one having print troubles. I will follow your suggestion and order the marriage record through the New York Historical Records.
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You don't need to order the record, @Linda5736 Just click on the URL I provided, and the record is there, free and in color.
This discussion has been closed.