Remove Read Only or Update a Read Only
Good evening. I was hoping to have assistance with a Read-Only profile. Per article ID: 856
"To report an error in a read-only record or provide additional information, please post your question in the FamilySearch Community. Please include what you would like to change, and the reasons. Do not include any private information, like username, helper number, or email address".
I am not sure if I should include the profile ID in this post or keep it private. Please advise and I would be happy to provide it in the manner requested. I have one source to add and an update to the date of birth. I plan on adding more information to the individual as my careful research continues so removing the "read only" would be a significant benefit to my efforts.
Thank you,
I'm not sure if an administrator saw this but a few days ago the block was removed. Whether that was due to an administrator or representative getting involved or whether it happened on it's own by the system after a certain amount of time is unknown because nobody responded on here but at least the issue is resolved. Good luck to everyone on their research.