The vanishing images problem in Community

...has gotten markedly worse in the last two days.
Screenshots in comments I've posted that were perfectly fine last week have now reverted to the blue box with the hourglass. See for example: Note that I haven't a clue why it says "edited September 17", as I know for absolute certain that I never edited that post.
It's not just me, and it's not just comments.
Please let the appropriate people know that whatever was changed recently, it hasn't helped.
Best Answer
@Julia Szent-Györgyi - apologies for the problems with images. We had a technical issue occur on the 16th, which I believe is the root cause of this. I am discussing options with our engineering team.
I've also had problems with images here in the Community this week. And yesterday, trying to attach sources in the Tree was problematic for hours. Sources that were not attached had no option to attach - showing as if they were already attached.
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I'm joining this late.. I discovered an ancestor who had a number of images not in memories any more. This was work I did 5-7 years ago, so I'm not sure what all should have been there. BUT, I created sources out of some of them and the sources were there with the images. When I clicked the images, they were in my gallery untagged - which I know I did not neglect to do. I retagged them all and they are back. Is this what was being reported?
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The problem is still there. Screenshots that I posted yesterday were fine then, but have gone to hourglasses this morning (
(@Gail Swihart Watson, I'm talking about images here in Community itself, not anywhere on FS's main site.)
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Just checked - The screensnips I attached on 18 Sep, on 2 different threads, are still showing, but the ones I attached on 17 Sep are missing.
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OK, I now understand I missed the point of this thread. Sorry!