attaching records

Used to be - after I attached a record I would click "return to family record". Now it will not return to the family record. It goes somewhere else. How do I get it to return to the family record?
I can't answer the (implied) "why the change", but for "how do I get it to return to the family [tree]", what's wrong with going back to the tab you started from? Do you somehow manage to close that every time you attach a record hint?
(Also, there's still a link back to the profile at the top of Source Linker, you could just use that.)
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Are they going to fix this? It does not do any good to click "Source Linker - Family Search". If I do this I still have to refresh the page. It has been like this for over 2 weeks. How do we get someone to fix it?
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Does it need to be "fixed"? In ten years of using FamilySearch I don't think I ever found the need to use it.
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@airland, the Option 1 arrow is pointing at the other tab, with the profile that I started from. In the screenshot, I'm on the Source Linker tab, I don't need to click it. And yes, one periodically needs to refresh the profile page, why is this a problem?
The only reason I can think of for "fixing" it is that in the current setup, there are three links to the record, but only one each to the profile and to the image. Of course, my "fix" for this repetition would be to remove the button entirely, because like Paul, I don't think I've ever needed it.
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another example of "change for change sake" ... why? It makes no sense to "return to the record" I've just reviewed to make sure it is correct before I attach it
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I disagree. It does need to be fixed. After attaching a record one wants to go back to the page they started on. This makes it much harder - especially for someone with little experience. It was much easier before. Why not put it back like it was? Some may not even know how to "refresh" a page. And it is not easy to find the source linker button. Many "new" people will not know what to do. Previously - it was self explanatory. Who do we message to get it fixed?
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@airland, I don't understand why you consider closing the Source Linker tab to go back to the profile tab that's already open and is exactly and precisely "the page they started on" to be more difficult than clicking a button somewhere on the Source Linker tab. Also, do you truly prefer ending up with n+1 tabs open for the same profile, in various states of staleness? (Where n = the number of valid record hints the profile started with.)
I also don't understand what you mean by "it is not easy to find the source linker button". What button are you referring to?
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Why was it ever changed? It was much more self-explanatory the way it was. And why do they have an option "Return to record" if it does not return me to the record? It goes to an indexed version of the record which I have already seen. When someone is trying to learn how to attach a record it needs to be simple. Many (like me) do not have a lot of computer skills. And when I click Source linker it goes back to the page, looking like I still need to attach the record. I just want it back like it was. Why was it ever changed? And why have the "return to record" option there - when it does not return to the record?
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My feelings remain that it should be scrapped altogether. If the page automatically opens in a new tab, why would you want to go back to the previous page from there when it has remained open?
If the feature is that important, how come I've never noticed it / used it (with either wording / function) until the issue was raised here? Okay, we all have our different ways of working within the program, but I'm sure there are far more difficult procedures to navigate, so can't we learn to live without a non-essential feature?
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As I've said before, I can't answer the "why". I suppose the engineers or webdesigners had some other workflow in mind than what people actually use.
@airland, "record" is another of those words that FamilySearch uses differently than the rest of the world. They always and consistently use it as shorthand for "_indexed_ record". To get to the actual document that the index was based on, you need to click on the "View: Image" link below the collection title near the top of the Source Linker page. (Unlike the rest of the buttons/links on the Source Linker page, I have actually used that Image link fairly often. It can be a good use of that tab after one has finished attaching the index entries.)
I'm not sure what you mean by "when I click Source Linker". Did you mean "when I close Source Linker"? When you close the Source Linker tab, your browser will put you back exactly where you started: on the profile page, with the hint flyout open. So then you click your browser's refresh/reload button, or type ctrl-R, or whatever method you're accustomed to using, and the attached hint goes away, and you can move on to the next one.
What I'm really curious to know is, what did you previously do with all of the accumulated tabs of the same profile? If you attach three hints, opening the profile in the Source Linker tab after attaching each one, that means you now have the profile open four times, in graduated states of out-of-date-ness. How do you tell the tabs apart, and what do you use them for?
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I do not understand your question