SourceLinker No Longer Showing New Data

Just today I've noticed that SourceLinker does not display nor permit me to add new data to a person. For instance, I'm on John Smith with a suggested match to a FindAGrave record. When I go to link the FindAGrave record in SourceLinker, none of the fields on the record such as birth, death or burial are displayed. I can link the document successfully but then I have to return to Family Tree, open the Sources tab and document, and manually extract and add the various data fields to John Smith's record. Even after I link the document, when I review the attachments, none of the data fields are viewable. This is happening on census records, birth and death records, SSDI records, FindAGrave, BillionGraves, nothing.
Best Answers
Thank you for reporting this issue. Other users of FamilySearch are reporting this same problem. We are in the process of reporting this to our Engineers.
Best wishes.
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@WDan5, no, that merge warning is not related, and it's not wrong: the Jane added in 2018 has her birthdate standardized to the 6th, although it displays as the 15th.
The fields that are missing on the browser all seem to pop up warnings in the browser console. Not sure if it's related to the problem but it's very suspicious. Here's an example (Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114):
Warning: event does not meet the minimum requirements (date-place-or-value), srcEvent: {"type":"","date":{"original":"1888","fields":[{"type":"","values":[{"type":"","labelId":"PR_IMM_YEAR_ORIG","text":"1888"},{"type":"","labelId":"PR_IMM_YEAR","text":"1888"}]}]}}
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Another clue here may be the Merge screen. I noticed that in the place where "Non-standardized data" might be displayed on either side (normally just below the event being merged or moved) I consistently see the word "generations". There is no underlying data on Family Tree to back it up so it does seem to be a code artifact. This behavior started at the same time as the SourceLinker issue began.
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Been experiencing same error as both of the above posts. Now when I try to add a source to a records I just see the xml coding - window never progresses past this point. Using Firefox. Chrome is working.
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Another example: See "Ralph Paul Guyer 4 March 1895 – 26 February 1961 • LH7S-D9W" 3rd source hint:
And yet the source linker only shows blank fields on the left (should show birth), and then not showing corresponding fields on the right (should show birth):
So I have to keep going back & forth between 3 tabs to verify anything.
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As the moderators said, they have reported the issue and with luck they'll have this issue fixed soon.
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Sometimes another more straightforward example like mine may help engineering.
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I can confirm this is happening with census records, no Birth or Residence fields are being presented to add to the person you are attaching the source to.
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Could this be related? I checked both birth dates and they are 'standardized'. I don't known why the Merge Screen doesn't recognize the matching birth dates. I will leave the two persons unmerged for the time being.
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Oddly, attachments are working correctly for the latest version of the mobile (Android) app.
This is the first time I've ever found that the (post 3.1.7) mobile app isn't worse than the alternatives. Strange days.
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Which begs the question, why is is standardized to something different from what is displayed? I will leave that question for later then. Thank you.
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@WDan5, the dual display-and-standard place (and date) fields are one of FamilySearch's greatest strengths: they allow us to enter both more detail and less in the displayed value, while the standardized value can be whatever it needs to be to put the map pin (or calendar entity) in the right vicinity, all without needing to do anything to the database. For example, I can put in a full street address while leaving out a confusing county name.
This flexibility can result in errors like the one on Jane Louise's birthdate, but I'll take that possibility over other websites' limited databases that basically require me to use the modern jurisdictions for everything.
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Would someone be able to provide an update on the status of this?
Have the FS Engineers been notified?
Are they currently working on a solution?
Thank you.
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The problem was first reported on Wednesday, and more examples were added to the report on Thursday. We wish we had more information to share.
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Unfortunately, no, engineering apparently has a "no-reply" policy. In that regard, this is only a one-way forum.
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I can report the issue seems to have been cleared up by this morning. I can see and am able to add events/data points to Family Tree when using SourceLinker.
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Confirmed here too. Thank you, the silent Engineering guys/gals.
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I think the SourceLinker bug is back. I've noticed that some sources seem fine but I've had a few instances of the US Census 1940 only showing the 1935 prior residence data point/event and now this from the Canada 1911 Census. The first shows the record on first match missing the 1911 residence data point, and the second shows the display after I make the link and open it back up by clicking the details button.
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@CJTobler Source Linker is broken again, please escalate this issue to the engineers.
1850 - Source Linker is not displaying a residence field
1860 - Working fine
1870 - Working fine
1880 - Source Linker is not displaying a residence field
1900 - Source Linker is not displaying a residence field
1910 - Source Linker is not displaying a residence field
1920 - Working fine
1930 - Working fine
1940 - Source Linker is only displaying the 1935 residence field
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Here's a strange wrinkle in the SourceLinker issue we've been discussing. I linked a New York State 1915 Census record to this family and the data point/event did not show to be added. I linked the three people (father, mother, daughter) and then went through each person to manually add the 1915 residence event. Then I saw another suggested doc for the same census and the same family. I went into SoureLinker and noticed that as I went to link the record, the 1915 residence event was not showing on the left side of the screen BUT NEITHER WAS THE EXISTING EVENT on the right side of the screen. After linking and showing Details, both sides had the 1915 residence event showing.