Displaying Changes to Following is Broke

It appears to me that the function of displaying changes to individuals that I am "Following" is no longer working. I get the message "no changes to display for individuals you are following" which I know is not accurate.
Any thoughts?
DL Melville
Changes to those I am following display correctly for me. Often, when something is not working as expected on Familysearch, I find that clearing my cache resolves the problem. You might try that first and see if it helps.
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I can confirm that the "Following" page does not display any data. I follow 1,200 people, and check that page every time I come on. As of two days ago, it stopped displaying any results in the list. Nothing. Nada. Zilch!
Clearing the cache doesn't fix it. Changing to a different browser doesn't fix it. Changing the View By options doesn't fix it.
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I am following about 2,000 persons. Following list shows changes to 5 today, 21 May 2022, and several more in the past few days
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I'm following about 1800 names currently, and I see changes to dozens since May 1.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
Further to; and, in support of, what both, 'Áine Ní Donnghaile'; and, 'Miss Jessie', have already proffered ...
Likewise ...
I am "Following just over x1500 People ...
And ...
The "Changes", to People, that I "Follow", IS working just fine ...
For me too ...
NOT only, am I getting/receiving, the "Weekly" Notifications, of such ...
But, I also check, the "List", of "Changes", to People, that I "Follow", on a "Daily" basis ...
ie. https://www.familysearch.org/tree/following/
That "List", Shows/Display, "Changes", TODAY; &, YESTERDAY; &, the Day BEFORE that; &, 'Add infinitum' ...
And, that is the SAME, in the "Browsers" of, 'Google' "Chrome"; 'Mozilla' "FireFox"; and, 'Microsoft' "Edge", all with the "Operating System", of "Windows 10"; and, ALL using the LATEST Versions, of each.
So ...
That Said ...
With the 'Comments' by, 'Áine Ní Donnghaile'; and, 'Miss Jessie'; plus, this 'Comment' of mine ...
I am sorry ...
Like it or not ...
I would humbly venture to suggest, that ...
Your problem/issue, DOES NOT, appear to be the fault of 'FamilySearch' ...
Now ...
That Said ...
IF, "Clearing", the "Cookies"; and, the "Cache", (and, even, the "Browsing History"); plus, changing "Browsers", DOES NOT help/assist; THEN, perhaps you need to CONFIRM, that you are using the LATEST (or, at least, the PREVIOUS) "Version", of BOTH, your "Browser(s)"; and, your "Operating System"; plus, ALSO check to confirm, that an "Add Blocker", is NOT causing the problem/issue; because, they CAN.
Plus ...
Just in case ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch':
Which internet browsers are compatible?
I got a message that the site does not support this browser
How do I set my cookie preferences?
How do I delete cookies from FamilySearch?
How do I delete all of the cookies and temporary files stored by my internet browser?
Pages won't open on FamilySearch
How do I keep pop-up blockers from causing issues?
Why is FamilySearch blank?
Good Luck.
Just my thoughts.
I know, that this certainly may not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective; and, other avenues to pursue.
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FYI, I have the latest version of Windows 10, Edge, Firefox and Chrome installed, with clean history for each. I have also tried with no success on three other computer environments. After calling the Help Center, with no solution identified, it appears that the problem must be related to my account environment, in spite of the fact that at least one other commenter experienced the same problem. The only suggestion, so far, try again in a few days and see if the problem goes away.
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In that case ...
Then you can understand WHY, FIRST "Level", of 'FamilySearch' "Support" (ie. the "Help Desk"), is perplexed ...
ie. IF, it is working, for some Users/Patrons; THEN, why is it NOT working, for some OTHER Users/Patrons.
There MUST be SOMETHING, with regard to your particular "Set-Up", that is causing such ...
ie. The likes of, the "Add Blockers", can cause problems/issues, that Users/Patrons are NOT aware ...
So ...
That Said ...
It is a matter, of 'looking', at your particular "Set-Up", in "Detail", just be certain, what is going on ...
Question: WHAT about the Computer, that you are using?
Sometimes, OLD Computers, CAN use, the current, "Operating Systems"; and, "Browsers'; but, can STILL "Struggle" to some degree - ie. they do not work totally perfectly/seamlessly; but, they still work.
Do not get me wrong ...
The matter is certainly both, perplexing; and, annoying ...
Let us help/assist you, try; and, work through, the problem/issue ...
There are a LOT of Experienced Users/Patrons, who Participate, in this Forum...apart from 'FamilySearch" "Support".
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Yes, it is perplexing, especially because it worked just fine up until a couple of days ago and now is "broke".
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I've gone through the list of things to check which @Brett . supplied, but none of them changed the display problem that @melville,dl and me are having on the "Following" page.
For the record: Windows 10; the latest Edge and Firefox. Also, Android 11, the latest Firefox and Brave.
One curious feature of this problem, is that when the page first tries to load, it briefly displays the error message "Oops, something went wrong" [image 1]. About 1 second later, the page finishes loading, but without any results [image 2]...
I continue to receive the weekly notification of "Changes to People You Follow", which showed for last week I had: People (5); Changes (14).
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As of about an hour ago, I am having the same problem as @PeteMacca and @melville,dl
I have tried my brand new Chromebook, my Windows 10 laptop using Firefox, and my Pixel phone.
All were working fine this morning, and as late as 1:30 pm today.
And I was using the Pixel at two separate locations today, about 60 miles apart.
No problems until late this afternoon.
Have tried the suggestions made by @Brett .
Nothing is helping.
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It's 'Brett'.
That FIRST one, of your "Images", looks to me, like a "Server" problem/issue ...
And, that results, in that SECOND one ...
Question: Is your (Local) INTERNET, "Fast"; or, "Slow"?
As, that may be causing the problem/issue.
Especially; as, the problem/issue is NOT occurring for all ...
Just my thoughts.
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grasping at straws .... as they say
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The following feature is not working for me either.
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Melville is correct
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I have tried all the usual fixes and none of them works. Admin is no help. That is why I am here.
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"Following "does not work when I choose
all changes or when I choose
dated changed
All other options work normally.
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I have tried 3 different computers, 3 different browsers, logging in and out, clearing the cookies and cache, restarting all the devices, using my phone etc., resetting the familysearch.org cookies etc. No change.
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Today I received my weekly notification of "Changes to People You Follow". No surprise. It displayed only three names, with notation of "People (76)" and "Changes (174)". I assume this is related to the problem of not displaying changes to people that I follow.
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The following feature is not working for me either.
When I use the combination
family tree
and the options on the right
date changed
I get no results. When I use the options other than date changed, I get results.
Of course the option you want to use is date changed as that gives you the latest changes.
This started yesterday may 25 for me.
Support says it is working fine and have not helped me at all.
I have restarted, cleared caches, cleared cookies, logged out and back in, of 3 computers and one phone and nothing has changed.
So something is wrong with this website.
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Admin this morning said they have sent the issue to the engineers.
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@HNWTX wrote "When I use the options other than date changed, I get results. Of course the option you want to use is date changed as that gives you the latest changes."
You're right! I get results too if I use a parameter other than "Date Changed". I didn't think to check that, because, as you say..., "Date Changed" gives you the latest changes.
If I set the option to "Name" (which gets results), and then switch back to "Date Changed", nothing happens. The page stays stuck on "Name" results.
Definitely something wonky with the "Date Changed" parameter.
Glad to hear the engineers have been called.
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I also suddenly have this problem, starting about two days ago. I'm following over 3,000 people, and if I sort by "date changed" it says "There are no changes to display". If I sort by "last name" or most of the other choices, profiles are displayed but when I try to keep scrolling down the site has an error and is not able to display the full list.
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Still not working correctly.
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I concur with Valerie Penner's assessment.
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broke again today .... probably due to an update overnight. ??
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Still broke. Never was fixed for me.
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Don't want to jinx myself, but mine *is now* working as it should . . . I did nothing different on my end . . . it just suddenly started working . . .
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Still broke for me.
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Mine just quit working again.