Search with exact marriage date for unknown relative
Even with an exact date you would still have at least two problems with a search. Firstly, there would be tens of thousands of individuals who married on that exact date (given you probably don't know the place, either). Secondly, only a fraction of marriages that have taken place (even recently) would have exact-date records in FamilySearch. Take my relatives in England: all I can find, at most, for the majority who were married after 1837 is the period of the year in which they married (given I do know their names).
No, you just must carry out some research and find likely surnames of ancestors / relatives who could have possibly married on the date engraved on the ring. This might not be too difficult. It would not take me too long to discover the limited number of surnames in my line who could have married at a particular time. I assume the band is identifiable as being that of a male (or much more likely) female.
Sadly, no website would be able to provide you will such a search facility (exact date only) for a marriage event, so I'm afraid you'll have to do some detective work yourself to have any hope of achieving your aim.
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My suggestion is to use one of the third-party programs that can interface with FamilySearch to download your maternal grandfather's line to your computer, and then use the third-party program's features to search for the marriage date. You can find such programs in the Solutions Gallery. (Ancestral Quest, RootsMagic, and Legacy are the three that come to mind. They all have free versions that should be able to do what you need.)